Whether we end up in the play offs or go up automatically he's the manager of the year for me, he's done a reight job especially with the hand he...
It's in Dutch/Danish but mostly in English anyway mate ........sithi.
No idea pal!, I watched last year via Cinema hd........sithi.
...are like arseoylz and having just sat through the latest bag of ***** with the Mrs(she enjoyed it btw) I've given mine..........sithi.
Speak no evil!, Dutch/Danish film from t'other year, top stuff...........sithi.
It's a reight load of old b@ll@cks like all Cobens stuff.........sithi.
He loves stairs ..........sithi.
I've an American Bulldog and he's a right bellend, more rattle on him than our lass , I've an averaged size pecker...........sithi.
Be careful out and about round Monk bretton and Carlton area with your hounds as it looks like some sick lovely person is leaving poison around for dogs to...
I've never known any kids excited to stay up for new year...its a load of old b○ll□cks fed into 'em by overgrown melts who do it to show off, the...
Here's how I see it. As an owner of dogs who terrified of fireworks I've got no problem with folk letting them off on the 5th of November or at...
Paul Harts love child............sithi.
Oh aye!, Tony Rees definitely stunk the gaff out, decent for the codheads mind.........sithi.
Spot on mate , Brian McCord broke three fingers and punctured a lung signing his contract..........sithi.
Whitehead was fetched in just before transfer window shut in March 1990 along with O'connell, Saville and one or two others who's names escape me...
Charlton at home that, arse end of the 90/91 season , finished 1-1..........sithi.
Never knew about Mel's wife's illness so I can completely understand him not being fully focused on the job in hand as I've unfortunately been in...
125 grand as I recall, Howard Wilkinson must have soiled himself laughing after we agreed to pay that .........sithi.
Machin were good till he lost the plot with the Tiler/Aggie money and and went for quantity over quality plus he parted with decent money for John...
Separate names with a comma.