They apply , like the rest of the non EU world has to and they will come . [ATTACH] I'm not quite sure what you know about Eastern European...
Yep , 1 guy ( Blair ) in 41 years who happened to be Tory lite if his wars / PFI deals are anything to go by .
Because they d come anyway . You don't need EU freedom of movement . Western European secularism is rather popular for many a potential European...
Ok , free movement of people . What % of the UK population do you think that benefits ? I'm going to guess large parts of the UK population can't...
Yes but ask said mum what the EU has ever done for her and the answer is going to be pretty much zero . I know people always bring up the "road"...
Nothing wrong in what your saying but when the left fails to come up with any credible alternative don't be shocked if people move to the right ....
Your entitled to your opinion but to categorise brexiteers as you have completely misses my point as to why the remain argument lost so...
Should the UK ever want to re join I doubt the EU would try and force Schengen / the euro onto the UK as that would pretty much kill negotiations...
As far as I'm aware the UK can rejoin at anytime , no questions asked . It would merely require a simple act of parliament to enact . The UK is...
I'm sorry but the whole COVID episode will have a far graver financial impact than Brexit . I'm struggling to see why people see fit to even worry... I irony here is that...
Brexit or no Brexit the same situation would have still arose . It seems to me this whole story has been written in a way by the news media to...
Owlstalk s worth a read . Talk of AFC Wednesday being formed and that's just for starters .
I don't know your political persuasion but this in spades . People hated trump because he was a racist , sexist predator . The cure , vote in a...
Ok I guessed you would nt . So let's get religious . Adam and Eve were the first humans . They gave birth to Cain and Able who were weak and...
I'm afraid some form of compensation to families is the only solution otherwise why should my children pay the bills of older generations who...
Again they fail to realize that once they were a child and needed help and support . Once they reach adulthood all is forgotten and they seem to...
Q What a hypocrite . Quite happy to sell children short but has completely failed to realize that those children when adults will be paying his... Whichever way you look at it some...
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