Agreed. As though he was goading everyone. Always telling the same stories and getting laughed at when he was actually admitting what he was up...
B. I've said it before and I'll say it again "Not a penny more". **** em!
Not a penny more...
I won't either, still sticking to not going until the owners have gone. Slowly losing any interest at all, sad times.
Confirmed on daily mirror website
So did I, no more money from this household is going to the con men. That's four season tickets not getting renewed.
Not me!
Our four easy upper are empty too. Looks like lots are.
Would much prefer to see fans walk across the pitch and sit in the west stand!
Yes, but they are not on sale when you go to the ticketing site!
I've also been running it for a couple of months. I don't think it is a vast improvement over Windows 10, especially if you do have to pay for it....
StackSocial Have a look on here. I'm using fastest vpn which I bought from here. Its currently $14.99 for two devices. FastestVPN: Lifetime...
12 - 1 at Betway, must not have seen us play this season!
VW Skoda and Seat tends to be 3p per mile if taken directly from them. Other companies can be much more. Most dealers will match online prices if...
I've had problems trying to do this on my phone. It turns out the reason is because my gmail app tries to open links with the edge browser. I...
It worked when typing in the barcode number. This should be the same number the scanner, scans.
If it's all the new cards (which it isnt as my son's new one worked) then surely the box office will reprint them all and post them out?
Correct re Collins. He waved away the four ball boys towards the end of the game when it went out. The ball boys got some stick from the away end...
Separate names with a comma.