Suppose camouflage is fitting. Since they've been trying to cover up their bad financing...
We just looked as a team like we've been on the sesh since 06:00. I hope we can pick our heads up and get some big points for rest of the season...
I guess you can't have the most deaths in the EU when you're not in the EU. BTW we are still in the continent of Europe so I would think about...
It's sickening to think that people with these views are gonna breed and bring more racist turds into society. This isn't just round here though....
It's a cunning plan... As cunning as a fox who’s just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University?
It's as if him serving the five years wasn't enough... I suppose he did deserve to die via suffocation on the slab of road... Better still why...
These interviews are fab. When I go to the football, no matter how bad we play, it's time in which I don't have to think about everyday life such...
Plenty from the league of gentlemen: Tubbs and Edward Hillary the butcher The Vet..
He'll get complaints at the next game for standing. He hates sit darners
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones
I do love the West stand. Better than any of these soulless domes popping up everywhere. If they dare rip it down I'll chain myself to my seat....
Which flavour of boot polish do you prefer licking? Cherry blossom or Kiwi?
Easy mistake.. I get mine mistaken for the gearknob..
Boris? He would never do such thing.... Next you'll tell me he'll hide in a fridge...
Never said anything against the workers. I was simply making an observation that The Sun is owned by a rather wealthy gentleman who surely can...
I'm sure this lovely fella will help them out.
Would rather re watch Hecky's interview than Queenie. Really good interview last night though may I add.
She bangs the drums
My name's Mike Oxlong and I find these jokes disgusting. My girlfriend Tes Tickle also receives foul abuse. I don't see the humour in this so...
Separate names with a comma.