I made the point above that it wasn't all about that post you made but about posts that have been made. The details in the post i've seen. it to...
I'm not saying that Mike Phenix should have played more. I'm using that name from a post this past few day to name the point.
Just something I've picked up on. Reading a thread again the other night or whenever it was posted. Phenix didn't get a chance in x y or z's...
If it's about staffing levels. Get a couple of mics. a camera and make an hour for the someone at the club to speak and before the next u23 match...
Yes. Squad. No excuses for PH. Get them playing and together and they will perform imo. Looking forward to it. Apart from Bristol I've been quite...
Again without upsetting people on here it's hard for me to answer that. By communication, I don't just mean and I'll put names , Adam, Andy Mark...
People on here are easily offended for me to answer questions Super Tyke. I spent about 30 minutes on the Villa site yesterday and thought to...
I don't know how many members they have in the media team. Media been lose I think theres more members than two. But it's not just them that...
Small details. Sorry but it's all excuses and it's not my fault gov. There's a lot of things frustrate me with the club.
I would never expect Mr Cryne to speak. As a mere fan, I can see instantly how wrong some of it is. It caused me to look at them when I saw a...
It's clearly a combination. Things don't change though. Acadamy players still not looked at and the first team profiles are off too. Stats wise.
I actually wasn't referring to you ht. but you are calling another fan an idiot. Quite often people on here call other fans names without...
Hardly an idiot for wanting to know if goods happening to the club. The club are the first to say how much we are important when the ST's are...
https://www.avfc.co.uk/News/2017/09/05/the-big-interview-keith-wyness That's the correct link. I'm not sure our teams do play the same way....
Seen this whilst looking for something else....
Yes, company never talks about these things.
I look into things obsessively. I know you like cricket. In a time when Bulter was the test wicket keeper and everyone I ever read or listened to...
Not sure that I never mentioned anything Prior to BArnsley haveing full match highlights I put a long list of things I thought wasn't right. I got...
Just looking at the articles about Mr Watkins....
You can have your opinion. I'll stick to mine. I'll be interested to see how much time you spend looking at other clubs in general. Bigger and...
Separate names with a comma.