Alan Hinton?
2 Home games within a week very rarely turn out to give us the 6 points we wish for.
The Black and White Maria came for red Isiah now ending on our funeral pyre.
3 goals against away from 2 games which could have been many many more, need to tighten the defence up in my opinion.
From what I`ve seen so far, we look weak defensively but on the positive side this season we are shooting from outside of the box which have...
We have done this with a few clubs over the years.
Kevin Betsy, Crawley manager perhaps.
They`re open to offas.
That price comes under allergies and intolerances shurley.
New CEO to find a new sponsor please.
Dash, well done that man, but can I have ex reds please. Oh go on you know you want to.
Mawson, Scowen, McCarthy they`re becoming the next Luton.
That`s just in the UK according to what I have just read, we still are paying £570,000 per week for PPE stored in China.
4 billion pounds worth of unusable PPE and we are probably still paying for its storage on top.
2-0 Boro from me as well, cant see where our goals are going to come from at this moment in time. If that doesn`t bring abart a 5-0 win I dont...
Customer Charter can be reworded at a moments notice like PC and his lackies did in the past.
Middlesboro after him on loan.
Bird shi.t another season starts with crapped on seats then,nowt new, like the crap concourse catering been going on for decades. Could probably...
Khaled puts the hex on us.
Few being the word SD.
Separate names with a comma.