Fantastically run club, done an amazing job in last 10 years. I've been a Leicester Tigers fan since age of 7 and to me they've followed a model...
So last night ended up in A&E (couldn't breath at 22:00 watching NFL), was placed on oxygen until 11:00 this morning, thankfully was able to...
Folks have listen to Joe's speech today, for 4 years I've had to endure Boris, Maybot and Capt Ameri-tard. Joe's speech was 20 mins, and...
Frightening stuff about voter suppression and the use of Cambridge analytica and Facebook. Folk need to wake up to all the dirty money, dirty...
Paul Dacre set to be named head of Ofcom? Charles Moore chairman of BBC? Straight out of book 101 of how to be a dictator.
Sir the next time I see you in pub (under Covid safe protocols) I'm buying you a pint of what you want! The shadow Business Secretary just...
Abbott number one; ex shadow Home Sec, black female. Had a few brainfarts but nothing a few Tory ministers haven't had in recent months. Subjected...
Remember tomorrow Boris and fiends will want to keep your eyes on the dinghies. Don't look into the A level fiasco, nothing to see there or with...
Let's world see what he's into via his Twitter account, well for 60 seconds. That must have been quite a ride, from relief to following through...
By now most of you will know I'm a socialist who likes to follow evidence. What happens if someone who on the surface appears to be an extremely...
Has anyone been out today to any of the supermarkets? A family member needs to get our household some basics for the next week due to us all self...
Never thought I'd be excited about watching an E Sports event. Could be a laugh and something competitive to watch....need my fix. Could also be...
Been self isolating along with my family since Monday. Started with sniffles which lead to a light dry cough and painful throat. By Thursday had...
Watched Gary Neville again for the 3rd time in a month hit the nail on the head about racism in football. After yesterday's typical outcome at the...
England under 20 boss, he's used to working with kids and getting them playing without fear and organised. I'm all out of ideas for how we can...
What a fight this is, super lightweight eliminator. Fight of the year so far!
I went to the new Spurs Stadium yesterday to watch the NFL game between the Panthers and Bucs. I was impressed by Wembley but this ground is mind...
Watched a very interesting interview with Roy Keane and Gary Neville (It's on you tube). It was shot in Ireland in September and shows him in a...
Tonight I actually saw my Dad's workplace being broken into. A piece of sh*t wearing a balaclava robbing his workplace. My wife was driving on our...
Thought I'd start the thread early.
Separate names with a comma.