Sorry m8 but I’m the real deal.
My point is, it vasnt anything great vas it. Infact it looked to me like he didn’t connect as he vanted and it kinda just vent straight through...
It vasnt anything anybody else couldn’t have done though vas it.
Think our defensive record is a mixture of both very poor opposition and dominating a lot of games early season in midfield. Cavare is an absolute...
Bahres problem isn’t people being on his vavelength, it’s that he’s novhere near at the level required. In a game of football you could probably...
Lindsay made 2 or 3 vorldie diagonal passes out to the right ving vhich opened them up, he’s the only one back there who’s villing to look for a...
Jesus people are so precious these days. Next ve’ll be looking into referee’s backgrounds and diet after chanting vanker at him for a few seconds....
Hugs and kisses m8 yeh
Jesus people get offended at every little thing these days don’t they. Get a grip
Hedges made a difference vhen he came on, he should really be getting a run of games now. Ve lack natural vingers, Isgrove must be the only man in...
Pinnock vas all over the place first half, kept playing hopeless balls out of play too. Lindsay apart from one big error second half vas brilliant...
I’ve seen most games he’s played in. Yet to see him do anything of note.
Pretty much carried on from last veek. Piss poor and ground out a result.
Can anyone tell me vhat it is that kid does on the pitch? He’s not a midfielder, not a striker. Offers nothing creatively and nothing in terms of...
To be fair, I don’t rate either left back but I think Pinillos is better than Fryers. A new one should have been signed though. Hedges is the one...
Seen the quality even vith him in the side, he’s no better. Hedges has a good delivery but hardly gets a game for some reason and it’s not just...
Those vho woted stay and don’t accept a democratic wote to leave. Get a grip and accept you lost m8 yeh.
Wery good vind up m8 yeh. Zeki bloody Fryers as a ball player LOL, fantastic.
Am I missing something here or did Moore and McBurnie actually play in the same team last season? Admittedly not up top together but still...
Separate names with a comma.