I've just repaired this I did after promotion in 1997. It was broken after 3 house moves. There must have been quite a few pay on the gate games...
I've just looked forward on sky programme guide to next Friday. I can't see any mention of next Fridays game?
Completed Passport renewal online Tuesday this week. Previous had expired last year. 12:30 today received new one. 72hrs inc sending back...
I now have to login everytime i am on this site. Also predictive text has vanished.
We're moving shortly to the east coast. Has any of you got any reccomendations for removal companies. Thomas Masters are coming this afternoon to...
We're getting ready for a house move, and I've found some programmes from the promotion to the Premier league season and from the season in the...
We're near Falkirk till wed morning. Where's good to visit? Two dogs with us.
Watching this on BBC 4 or iplayer. Telling the story of the fall of communism and rise of the oligarchs and Putin. Told through unseen footage...
Is Neymar the most overrated footballer ever? Not a patch on Modric.
Western drama on BBC. It's on Thursday night. Watched it on iplayer. Really good.
One of the finest people I ever played cricket with has passed away. Great wicket keeper, batsman. A truly lovely man. RIP Arthur.
It's a wonderful statue.
Great start from us.
H2O: The Molecule That Made Us. BBC 4, or BBC iplayer. Whether we live in a desert or a climate like Britain, this will affect our grand...
Kominsky method. Don't know if anyone's watched previous series. But just about to start season 3. Alan arkin funny as.
Arrived at 7:40 for 7:30 to 7:45 entrance time, no queue plenty of helpful polite stewards sanitizing turnstiles. Our seats were low on the...
Turned BLUE this morning. Hope it's in support of NHS. If not, wtaf.
I am, like most of us hoping rotherham survive today. I like Paul Warne and think he speaks well. But this last week he's been a bit annoying...
Luton town v Rotherham United. On sky sports tonight https://www.skysports.com/football/luton-town-vs-rotherham-united/430009
Separate names with a comma.