Would it be suprise if he chose anything different to what we have seen this season. Will it be a tactical masterpiece to guarantee his future for...
Do some players play better when it's dry or wet. I know some statisticians look into this kind of thing. My first notice on the subject was Mike...
Did anyone and honestly complete the GCHQ picture puzzle to find new potential spies. I for one was at a total loss. But intrigued to see the answer.
Take a look at the pass Harry Kane made, unbelievable top class, o Nd he scored a hatrick too.
Heard on the radio today that Liverpool have a throw in coach, money to burn.
Barnsley on TV now Enfield, fa cup I think. Revisited
Been announced for a starters £138,000,000 to get airport open. That's £450 per Donny resident and kids. What area is going to suffer for this...
Now I understand why our planes are attacking the bases in Yemen to protect shipping, but where is the other countries of the world. Why us every...
Police search,dogs, helicopter, does this happen at every break in.
Manchester United have been given a one star food rating which reminded when I took my daughter to her first home game and we called into the...
Just renewed my driving license at a cost of £14 which only lasts 2years and 4 months until l'm 70 then have to renew it again for another 3 year's.
Did the Barnsley area get much attention from the Luftwaffe during the war. Now I know Sheffield did but we're the coal mines a target. Been...
Can't believe they haven't included and I'm not saying he would have won it but only one name for me that has stood out in sport this year and...
Who played with them and what games did you play.
A man has been charged over the death of a woman having slapping therapy to help her diabetes. People pay to be slapped, no wonder the worlds bonkers.
Went to watch the new Ridley Scott film Napoleon today , a few things a bit not quite right but a fantastic film to go and see. Battle scenes...
If a player from the opposition had been seriously injured from the un- named player in the said FA cup tie, who would be responsible for the...
From the ten so called celebrity's I only know three of them and that is a tenuous link. All of them talentless Farage, Dent and Sirax. I must...
Separate names with a comma.