It certainly didn’t help. I'll give you that.
I have reason to thank the NHS for saving the lives of both my sons and me. That’s more than enough for me to revere it.
I’ll tell you what worries me. Certain narratives get propagated by malign forces, both left and right, that end up being swallowed whole by...
Let’s just keep the Tories then eh?
Having a subjective opinion is your prerogative I guess. But I sit here wondering how bad a government objectively has to be before the country is...
And you know this because??!!
My grandkids have all done well at Horizon.
Terrible news.
Congratulations to you both!!
UKIP, Reform or BNP?
LOL. It was a bit hair raising (literally) if I wore them in bed! Nylon sheets and nylon underpants were a combustible combination :)
And do you think that mere working class mortals like us had any effective say in the matter?
My wife often points out that I brought a plastic carrier bag and three pairs of nylon underpants to our marriage. We knew what it was like to...
I don’t get this generational issue. I’m 67, am a Labour Party member, started with sod all, always stuck to the rules, had absolutely nothing...
Me too, and I’m way over 45!
I’m over 60 and I certainly didn’t vote for Brexit. I’m not disagreeing with your analysis, I just don’t see how national service has anything to...
In what way can’t it run without it?! They can’t find enough staff to run Charles’ palaces.
Exactly. Killing the game.
It’s probably just you to be honest
He lives near me and always speaks when he’s out running. Seems a pretty grounded person to me
Separate names with a comma.