The same thing that never forgets. :)
I think you're describing @Stephen Dawson there, mate. ;):D
If you report it, they'll fill it in. Unless @JamDrop gets there first. :)
For me, the funniest part is that "The project itself took over 9 years to complete". It's clear that somewhere along the way, the project team...
Won't happen in South Yorkshire. On matchdays, all the police officers are hanging around outside football grounds and transport interchanges.
I'd probably find it abusive if I knew what it meant... o_O
I was more annoyed by the Oxford defender who messed about near his own corner flag and lost the ball. Whatever happened to "When in doubt, kick...
Call me stupid, but I was really hoping to see a Morris/Iseka double act up front this season. I can possibly see a Norwood/Iseka working if Duff...
I don't know what they look like to the naked eye, but on screen the numbers disappear even at ground level once the player moves 10 yards away...
Arsenal... White numbers on white shirts. Which genius came up with that one?
If I bought a sound bar, would the adverts still be 10,000 decibels louder than the programmes?
Or deflatable cars. Let the air out, then roll it up and take it inside with you.
I knew I'd draw you in if I doubled my pie order. :)
Half a pound of smoked ham, four ounces of cheddar, and two pork pies please.
Handball according to the FiveLive commentator.
A couple that I really like, although in both cases I love the originals too... Lacuna Coil - Enjoy The Silence [MEDIA] Devo - Satisfaction...
David Bowie. I really enjoyed watching his Glatonbury set on the BBC. Regret never seeing him in the flesh.
Cards on the table. I have next to no understanding of the American political system. The more I hear about it, the less it makes sense. Am I...
Can't stand liquorice, so I'm another vote for "all of em".
I still use a physical card.
Separate names with a comma.