The less of 2 evils , it's not a winning strategy .
I'm afraid that's the people who are in charge right now , while we reside in the EU . You takes your pick .
Exactly Marlon . It's why I brought up American politics earlier . If labour get dragged into voting for the less of 2 evils then they ll lose .
I got about this far down your post before I was struggling . So your for labour ? War with Iraq / Afghanistan and PFI which really isn't a... Apologies for the dailyfail , but this will... I think the lefts problem is it's adoption of third way politics is sadly grinding to a halt . It's...
Or a carefully laid trap laid by the Tories what the miners happily fell into .
The same could be said for all those miners who queued up to buy their council houses for next to nothing thus condemning subsequent generations...
Depends on who the brexit party field in those elections . If they field some left wingers like they did in the euro elections then labour could...
Sounds like a bit of a get out clause for MPs if you ask me . " I voted for war in Iraq because I considered it in the national interest " . It...
Sprouting up all over . Italys the next big one id say past whatever happens with brexit . Something fundamentally wrong with the EU and it's... From yesterday . The EU s policies will always feed the beast . Turned out the guy who made the Nazi dog video who...
I've always wondered why keighley is pronounced keithley . I guess I could go look it up but then it would ruin the mystique for me .
Got to pull you on that point I'm afraid . The main reason for Venezuela s plight are the sanctions administered against them . When institutions...
Your kidding right ? You prefer Johnathan pie over a serious journalist because he's on RT and Putin might be trying to influence you ?
Some great political commentators on RT . Chris hedges probably the best off the top of my head . Some of his talks on American justice regards...
National railway museum at York . Bit of a drive but free in and pound for pound one of the best museums in the country . Mostly indoors but...
Not really . Your merely creating a problem somewhere else in the world as they hemorrhage their young workers . It's why your seeing the rise of...
Separate names with a comma.