Bellhaven ?
Like a Rolling Stone. Dylan 1952 Vincent Black Lightning. Richard Thompson O Mio Caro Bambino. Maria Callas World Turned Upside...
Aretha Franklin (woman) Andrea Bocelli (man).
I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand Walking through the streets of SoHo in the rain He was looking for the place called Lee Ho Fooks...
How can you lie back and think of England, when you don’t even know who’s in the team. Billy Bragg.
Lots from Half man Half biscuit. “I’ve got a touch of the Vitus Guerrelitus.”
Chimes of freedom and Visions of Johanna are contenders in that category.
The Band
Those whose names are carved on the Menin Gate. .
Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. So I’m sure he’ll be back in contention.
My missus has had six VWs, Golfs, Polos and a Tiguan. She now has a Skoda. It is a better built VW with more ‘bells & whistles’ and a damn sight...
You wonder where the yellow went When you brush your teeth with Pepsodent.
We laughed because it was like a ‘slapstick’ moment and funny.We all thought he was laughing as well. He wasn’t.
In the 1980s I was playing for HKFC our inside forward ran to receive a throw in. It had been raining and as the ball came to him he slipped and...
The Yardbirds with Jeff Beck & Jimmy Paige. Best live band ‘The Pirates’ with Mick Green.
Mischievous sophistry.
“A foot long “ ? But you don’t use it as a rule.
5274 infections in last 24 hours, highest level fo 10 weeks.
You cannot live in a 'risk free' environment. We have first dibs at £14.5m. Everton were talking £21. We could include a 30% sell on clause and...
Separate names with a comma.