If I was the Swansea ownership I wouldn’t be giving him money to build a side because as soon as he shows a modicum of success he’ll be looking for another club . Think if true that he was offered a better longer contract by us before other clubs interest but declined it shows his intentions from the beginning and it wasn’t what he said .
I don't understand why he has left to take a job which still has a ball ache of a commute, particularly with a young family. If a good job comes up soon closer to home he'll look a right chump if he goes for it part way through a season with Swansea. Wouldn't be the same if he had stayed with us.
The family thing is bs he’s not that much nearer and traffic wise it could be worse , and if Sheff Utd came in for him in January he’d be off
He said in his original interview I’m ambitious and this is a stepping stone(or words to that effect) and that’s exactly how he treated us. after that he regularly made a big play about loyalty etc
I'm not sure what you mean by it could have been less if there wasn't a get out clause. How could it?
I'm certainly no aid worker or anything like that but I know for a fact that I could leave my job tomorrow and go somewhere else for more money doing the 'same' job. I've actually turned down job offers closer to home on more money before. The reason? I like my job (for the most part), I like who I work with and for and I like the people we serve and even though it's a business I do like that connection with a few of our customers and enjoy that feeling of helping them out when I bend the rules a little and put a bit of extra effort in to doing something that most other companies in our field wouldn't. When I was much younger and doing a different job at a different place I turned down a job offer that was quite literally double my existing wage and I did it simply because I was loving going to work every day. So yes as you say, people do turn down jobs all the time despite money. It doesn't make them saints and it doesn't make the people who leave for better money bad people it's all down to individuals. I've got no ill will for duff for leaving but leaving wasn't the only option, people turn down jobs regularly both in football and out of it.