I used to listen to Andy's podcast thingys. I can't believe for a second he's responsible for the 'another three point opportunity" type guff that gets thrown out.
So hyped right now, stoked for the teamsheet to drop Tuesday. There'll be absolute scenes if we can DEMOLISH Peterborough. I hate it all. Capital radio is the worst for it. Presenters are like listening to a catchphrase machine.
I hate on social media when people shorten words like football to just ball, "you don't know ball" is common. Same for people calling Liverpool 'pool'. I hate it
Honestly, I can't really be bothered, you pick your battles and fight the ones that are important. Language is ever evolving, your great grandparents would find all our forms of speech quite odd, go back 650 years and it would all be almost impossible to understand. However, I do draw the line where people are simply getting things wrong , for example "I could care less" when what they really mean is "I could NOT care less".
Be careful, or there will be a murder-death-kill on here lol. Ohh and remember, you have to send a maniac, to catch a maniac!.