Boris to brief MPs on Monday of new restrictions. Expecting another one of his clear "stay indoors whilst going outside and use common sense whilst being fearless" speeches which will leave everyone even more confused than they already were.
Infections today down by nearly 4000 which you won't hear from the MSM. To go in a pub/restaurant you wait to go in, have your temp taken, give your details and santise your hands to sit safely at a table. Yet you can still go to a supermarket with people walking all the time much near you, without giving your details or sanitising your hands or having your temp taken. You can also still be cramped in uni accomodation or classrooms.
I wouldn't get too excited. They've probably lost some again. You never learn to quit the knee jerk reactions with these figures, do you. Oh...and they did mention how much lower it was than yesterday on the ITV Evening News.
He's right...but there was a big rise yesterday, so it's only really on a par with the rest of the week.
A few things with this though. 1) Where is education? 2) Where is the workplace? 3) What was the percentage the weeks before 19th August? It’s only a 4% rise from the first week to the last on what they show 4) One week of student outbreak and it’s up over 20% 5) They use ‘likely’ in their wording and say ‘this isn’t a measure of causation’ or ‘where people were infected’ 6) They mention how people behave when visiting hospitality in terms of following the guidelines. Well, they’ll behave better in a regulated environment like hospitality than they do in their own homes with their gatherings. As the data proves. 7) Where’s education? 8) Where is the workplace? There might be more slides answering the above. But if there isn’t then it has to be an inflated percentage?
It's been a while (about 15 years) but that looks like the front bar at Wirströms in Gamla Stan. Watched a few Barnsley matches in the back room there back in the day. Drank a fair few pints of Guinness there too. Once in early winter, before I was prepared for it, it snowed a little and then froze while I was in there for several hours and as soon as I walked out I slipped and fell flat on my back. A passing taxi driver wound down his window and asked me (in English) if I needed a taxi. From my still prone position I pointed down the road to the tube sign and said "It's OK, I'm not a tourist." It was one of my prouder drinking moments.
I recognised it earlier and just had another look. I thought it was the Oliver Twist? I recognise one of the beer fonts and the decor. Did you ever go there?
Pretty sure it's Wirströms - I recognised the much coveted seats in the recesses. Here's a pic from there - note the Falcon sign, the lights and the picture (under the poster in DB3K's post).!1s0x465f77e24012069f:0x3e4cd025cd4dfb70!3m1!7e115!4s!5swirstroms stockholm - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipNWY5pMv-fcoSpb7zP8bwVoPA5SAHQnh56CxKT1&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4sbTihKrsAhU8TxUIHaH6DyYQoiowCnoECA4QAw Don't recall ever going in the Oliver Twist. I'm very much a creature of habit when it comes to pubs, including my habit these days of barely ever going in them anymore.
Great story. I love that it has been recognised as somewhers a BBSer has been in. A lovely photo that reminds me of the good old days as in seven months ago.
Im struggling to read the docs on my phone but doesnt it say only 26% came from hospitality settings... So wheres the other 74%...
The stats for today that are always due at 4 pm are late again. I think it was twenty to nine last Saturday when we finally found out. I saw this tweet which is a positive sign because the press I don't think have mentioned the hundreds who have gone home from intensive care so a lot of people will assume with the daily numbers that people go there and never leave.