it is ok pal, I know what you mean, but it is the few normalities in life that are stopping me sitting on the settee with my underpants on my head 2 pencils up my nose going LA LA LA LA LAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, everyone is different if thats how you feel then thats how you feel
think in 1610 one of my Scottish relatives in the Glover clan invented a woolen clothing for keeping your hands warm in winter, the Gitten sadly it never caught on and he died a pauper in 1621 Virginia:,Gates decides to abandon Jamestown. Some year was 1610. This bit stood out.......
And folk moan about home schooling.! This is cool as fook..... Can't wait for Chennells quiz to start again.
1610 was pretty shïtty, all told. It was still 54 years before Kronenbourg was invented and as we all know that changed life for the better.
France installed an 8 yr old king. Imagine. He’d only just learned how to sit on the throne. And now told not to do a number 2 on it.