Thanks, I'm glad it's not just me who thinks it is stupid. I could have six unrelated people who say all have families of four. That's 24 people in the spider's web... but my granddaughter would be a deal breaker?
I would suspect the number of deaths through heart attack to have fallen this year due to more people - particularly those more at risk of a heart attack - not working for a period of time and those that are working aren't commuting in the same numbers. I haven't seen the stats though, so it is entirely supposition. Edit: Deaths from heart attacks were 1/3 down in June on the 5 year average - as were most other major causes of death.
Currently *at least* 3 schools in the Barnsley area have had outbreaks and they've only been back 2 weeks - Wath (a 6th former), Barnsley college and at least one junior/infant whose name I've forgotten. At the same time, the reports of long term issues from COVID are increasing daily, including neurological and cardiovascular conditions in kids. Deaths will increase in the UK in the next couple of weeks (at least), and a lot more people will be left with long-term effects from this illness.
I can't see the police wasting their time knocking on houses on Christmas Day to make sure no more than six people are in there. Boris needs to realise how stupid his plan is when only Hancock supported it. We need some perspective.
9,406 new cases and 80 new deaths in France yesterday.
I posted in here yesterday this Twitter account with ten tweets about what's happening in France.... Worrying that hospital admissions are going up. Macron keeps ruling out a second lockdown.
We had six deaths yesterday and according to ONS it's 18 weeks in a row with a decrease in Covid deaths. Not to become complacent though as it can change in a blink of an eye. Those at high risk should be protected better. I don't think one rule should fit everyone such as those with underlying health conditions being treated the same as people perfectly healthy. I don't think places with little Covid like Devon/Cornwall should have to live in the the rule of 6 like high Covid places such as Bolton. We shouldn't be going back to everyone treated the same.
The death rate was low in France too while the new cases increased to a few thousand a day. On August 29 France reported 5,453 new cases and 6 new deaths. On August 30 it was 5,413 new cases and 4 new deaths. Those new cases have taken a few weeks to filter through but now the number of deaths seems to be rising significantly. I fear the UK is on the same trajectory. I hope I'm wrong. Edit: I do agree with you that we need to better protect the vulnerable rather than implement blanket policies.
Our economy is already trashed enough as it is a second lockdown will take at least a generation to recover from and lead to many more excess deaths - poverty is a great way of reducing life expectancy
They're supposed to be. It's hard for me to comment on the level of observance in general since I'm way out in the sticks. From what I've seen on the telly and when out and about, most people seem to be doing so but there are a good number who aren't. Everybody seems to be wearing them in shops, etc. and there are plenty of signs reminding people that they're compulsory. A friend's kid just started at secondary school and they have to wear them everywhere other than in the classroom, I believe, with the teachers coming to their room rather than the other way round. My personal experience has been that there's been far more in common between what I've seen in England/France/Scotland than there has been different.