They are detecting small strands of ‘dead’ virus, and therefore are churning out masses of false positives where people have previously had the virus and no longer have it. This is one of the reasonS we’re seeing so many asymptomatic cases. So there are and always will be false positives.
My daughter goes back to school today. She's really excited and it's good On the other hand I've two elderly parents, both extremely high risk who need my support and who I now have real problems about going to see. So **** the blowhards, government and media who have more or less peddled the "return to school/normality" with fu@k all consideration or empathy for the millions of people who are in similar positions.
No mate, it would be irony if I swore at other posters or posted aggressive stuff. But seeing as I don’t, it’s not.
This should be fun... Can you show me the empirical evidence you have for this wild assertion? I mean surely you have some... Otherwise the irony in your post with the 'hilarious' meme is off the scale. Let me know when you’ve read them and I’ll send more.
Its lose-lose for Government really. If they let the virus spread they will be held responsible for rising deaths, and if they re-introduce restrictions they will be criticised for over reacting. A few years ago we had a winter with 15000 excess deaths. Little was made of it at the time, now of course this has the potential to be worse. It's a almost impossible balancing act, accepting some level of deaths, while keeping society functioning. We have to find away to protect the most vulnerable, I read that 9 in 10 deaths were over 65s and half of those were over 80. None of us know what will happen, it's just my opinion that Lockdowns are not the answer. It seems to me it's like trying to kill a fly by blowing up your house.
Yes, I’ve provided some below which contain references from respected senior academics around the world. In return, can you provide me some empirical evidence please for your assertion that lockdowns saved net deaths from all causes? I’m not allowing anything from Imperial or their morally bankrupt ‘professor’.
When you’re done reading the sources and researching the academics included, and you’ve compiled YOUR list of empirical evidence for your ‘wild assertion’ that lockdowns have saved net lives, this might help you as well:
Wouldn’t excessive deaths do it mate? I do think changing behaviours around hygiene have brought a positive result against a lot of viruses which has probably had a net positive on the results over the last few months, but no one can doubt that through the months of March-June there was significant excessive deaths. If your assertion is right that there are loads of people dying from not getting cancer treatment or more people than from ‘the vid’ then the same spike would be happening now but with the underlying deaths being cancer based. Or am I missing something.
In principle I don’t disagree, but the three main issues with that are: 1) How do you separate the excess deaths caused directly by the ‘Vid during lockdown from those caused by people being too scared to go to hospital, not treated properly due to NHS reducing services, committing suicide etc? 2) How many more direct deaths from Covid would there have been if we hadn’t locked down, and most of all: 3) Many of the deaths caused through undiagnosed cancer or even long term poverty etc won’t come straight away three months after lockdown but instead will be spread right over future years. I saw something the other day saying through the periods we are 20,000 cancer diagnoses short of where we’d normally be. Presumably they won’t all cause death as some of those delayed diagnoses will still survive, but those that don’t will have their deaths spread over years I guess depending on individual circumstances and the type of cancer?
1,704 new hospitalisations in France for Covid-19 in the past 24 hours sounds a lot to me. 10 times more than we are currently experiencing.
It has been widely accepted and peddled (here at least) that masks really protect the 'other person'. Simply put if you are both wearing a mask then you are BOTH "the other person". Many of the young invincibles, as someone has posted, have not grasped that simple fact so they look, at err..'face value' (pun intended) like they don't give sh*t. Someone else stating "they work ffs" when us oldies sit at home is irrelevant. All people working here in Italy in shops, factories offices etc wear masks when they cannot social distance and most wear them outside too and when entering shops etc it is mandatory to wear a mask. The real problem is young people when 'socialising' e.g. illegal raves, mass gatherings parties where social distancing is non-existent and very few masks are to be seen. Admittedly it is not only the young as we have all seen tourist hot spots with families and people of all ages mask less and ignoring distancing rules but in general the younger end are far more irresponsible when it comes to following advice.
Do me a favour mate - if you only read one thing today, just read this. It is just a fact that there are false positives:
Other than hearing about loads of naughty young people on the news sites I haven't seen anything like that in real life. I have seen lots of elderly people wandering around getting right up to people in supermarkets, brushing straight past them etc and thought 'take some personal responsibility you silly ****'. I've seen more mature adults of the typical mum and dad age taking masks off to talk to their mates, getting close, being in large groups etc. Maybe I just don't hang around near young people these days but I've honestly seen no big groups or anything anywhere yet they're all I hear about. I don't hear about the neighbours with their mates crammed into the garden instead of at a pub or about seeing car after car pull up at a 2 bed house