There's also false negatives, which the article also acknowledges. There isn't a test for anything which is 100% accurate.
Agreed. Genuinely appreciate you reading it though, and the explanation why false positives become more of an issue when there's very low prevalence like the UK situation.
My issue was the giant leap you took in saying they are "churning out masses of false positives". You don't know that.
Ah, OK, you haven't bothered reading them and following through to the academics quoted. No problem, I get that you're busy. How's your list going?
I read enough to know they weren't 'empirical evidence', which is the standard you wish to hold others to. It's not a case of not being 'bothered', I get to read briefly whilst my computer is calculating data I wish I had the time to waste chasing ghosts, but I'm busy creating actual reports of actual evidence of things that are really happening
Fair enough, but when you're advocating a policy of spending tens of billions of public money, imprisoning people in their homes, shutting down their businesses, shutting down children's education, stopping routine cancer screenings etc etc etc, do you not think you've got the burden of proof the wrong way round a bit demanding 'empirical evidence' as to why it was the wrong choice when actually there's nothing out there that goes anywhere near proving it was the right thing to do? Do you not agree that given the incredible consequences of the Government's actions over the last 6 months we ought to be able to see some evidence that the choices were justified?
I’m fed up of reading your hyperbole frankly. BTW I’ve only been to the pub for one single pint since lockdown. It was to meet an ex colleague (retired last year) who thankfully has got a diagnosis for cancer and begun his treatment in the last few months. the original prognosis wasn’t great but now it looks like he’ll be fine after a couple of years treatment. but some ‘expert’ on the internet keeps telling me that no ones getting treatment from their gp, hospital appointments for cancer treatment etc. tell me; if you’d sat and had a beer with a valued friend to talk through his cancer treatment, how would you feel that some ‘expert’ in here kept repeating the lie that it’s not happening?
I'm genuinely delighted your friend has got the treatment he needed. But it's not 'my hyperbole' or 'a lie' that diagnoses are missing or gone down, I'm afraid it's a fact. Your one example doesn't make it OK for the tens of thousands of people who currently have undiagnosed cancers. You've made it clear you don't care about them, well I do, and I'm going to continue to keep reminding people, especially when you're the ones who keep telling us what we have to do to "save lives".
But I keep reading your posts that no ones getting to see a dr, or getting any treatment and it’s a lie. I’m not saying the no one has had missed appointments or failed to get treatment, but during lockdown I’ve got a new grandchild, got mates who have had hospital appointments, my mate is a paramedic, and I get daily tales of what’s actually factually happening. Then I log on here and a self professed expert tells me no ones getting any treatment cos they read something in the f. I king torygraph. I’m calling your bluff - stop spreading lies and half truths.
If the Telegraph isn't good enough for you, here's the BBC, Cancer Research UK and the Lancet talking about the suspension of routine cancer screenings. But your mate got diagnosed, so I'm making this stuff up.
It’s an outlook difference. I see a health service trying to cope with a pandemic that may be letting some people down but who are also treating most. You see only the failings and exaggerate them to promote your ludicrous agenda.
No, you've done that thing that you often do where you argue against something I haven't actually said. Anyway, we're going nowhere again, have a good one.
Government today plan to slash the amount of people that can be in a gathering. Another way for the Tory "it's only three weeks" government to keep controlling us.
I’m no expert but is this a textbook example of anicdotal evidence? Apparently there has been a 40% drop in A&E admissions for heart attacks- lucky this reduction in heart attacks coincided with Covid otherwise we’d be killing people in their homes.
This is my experience too. I've seen far more 50+ year olds with noses sticking out of their masks, disregarding distancing, carrying their mask in their hands etc...
Young v Old another divide and conquer tactic that people fall for. There are bad and good in all generations, always has been and always will be.