Beckham brandishing the cards about and that begrudging Ferguson interview afterwards. Danny really showed him up I wonder how many times Scott Jones has watched it!?
I got to school the next morning buzzing. Nobody wished me well though. I got "they're still sheet" and "you're still going down".
I vaguely recall Ferguson and Andy Gray had a spat after the game in the post match interview. Think Gray inferred there was bias and if it had been the other end there was no doubt it would be given, which Ferguson took faux umbrage to.
I used to work in Rochdale. I floated over the pennines the following morning. I wrote out a version of Spice up your life, using the chorus " Man U are out" and stuck it on the notice board for all the Man U fans to read. Needless to say they were less than gracious in defeat. Who needs drugs - football gives you the highest high when something like that happens.