I voted Labour. Always have, always will. I assume you've not seen the two recent polls (Opinium), that appear to put Labour ahead/neck and neck with the Tories? In contrast to being 25% behind when Corbyn stepped down?
Thanks for that. As someone who has supported the party all my life, the bile that was indeed spewed at people like me, those who dared to have even a slightly different opinion to, presumably, people like yourself, was something to behold. And the problem with the 'most optimistic and hopeful manifesto in decades' was just that. In other words, there was little chance it would ever be enacted because only the more optimistic amongst us could ever see the party, with its then leadership, ever being in a position to enact it.
Do any of those polls show either Labour in the lead or above the 40% mark both of which was regularly the case up until mid 2019 for Labour?
Starmer stated during hustings that he would run with the 2017 manifesto. As long so as long as he keeps his word there’s no problem. If he was lying to get elected then of course people won’t support him As for the bile I can only say whet I see and it all seems to be coming from you here. I get that you are happy with the slightly less worse option if voting for Labour. That’s your prerogative. It’s insipid and uninspired and already failed in 2010 and 2015 but let’s hope it succeeds. For clarity why do you think that Ikea will be any more successful than Brown or Milliband offering centre right as the alternative to right choices.
And against May, the Corbyn-led Labour would have won in 2019. However, May was ousted and a lying narcissist took over and for some reason people liked him and enough of the electorate voted in that direction to "Get Brexit Done" that the Tories got a massive majority with 29% of the electorate voting for them.
highest I’ve seen in any poll was 40% a tie with The tories though this has now gone back to 37 with a 3 point defecit. with the same pollster have seen nothing above that. No poll leads despite the tories helpfully killing vast swathes of people and ruining the economy. in sure lovely centrists said any leader other than Corbyn would be 20 points ahead. Still waiting for that.
Why ‘centre-right’? I consider myself ‘centre-left’. Which is where the Labour Party has mostly positioned itself. There is actually nothing wrong with that you know?
Blair firmly believed in trickle down economics and abandoned the mixed economic model followed by Labour from 45-79. The Overton window was pushed to the far right by Thatcher and Blair had little or no interest in moving back to the centre. Neither Brown with his promise of more austerity than the tories or Milliband with his immigration mugs were positioned anywhere near centre left. A reasonable comparator to their policies would be Merkel in Germany who is certainly not centre left. The mild brand of Scandi socialism put forward by Corbyn moved Labour back to the mainstream of centre left European politics. I haven’t a greet deal of time for Corbyn but he changed the narrative and pushed the Overton window back to the centre left. Hopefully Starmer can keep it there. Where we go from here I don’t know but the need for social housing an integrated transport system, nationalised utilities and UBI has never been sharper alongside electoral reform.
https://www.opinium.com/resource-center/voting-intention-8th-october-2020/ Opinium at 40%. Though now back at 37% in latest survey. YouGov previously 40 Tied now 3 points behind. https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politic...um=website_article&utm_campaign=VI_7_Oct_2020 Survation. Again going backwards.
It sounds like we agree on more than we disagree about to be honest. I want social justice, and I want the party that I believe best represents my values to be in a position where they have the chance to deliver. Some of us, by the way, do not view the Blair years as quite the disaster that some elements within the party like to claim. Happy to agree to disagree as I’m sure both our hearts are in the right place.
Merkel is a member of the CDU, the "catch-all" German centre-right party. The SPD is the centre-left party and second largest in the Bundestag. Die Grunen is also centre-left/green, Die Linke is further left. AfD are the far-right nutters.
The way I read the Opinium link is what I said earlier. 42% and 40%. But I am sitting in a cafe having my lunch so perhaps I misread it.
yeah I know. I would see the political positioning of CDU as pretty identical to Blair’s New Labour and perhaps slightly to the left given differences in immigration policy.
Well that's 3 less colleagues after today. 3 families with no income. 3 people with no idea how they will keep a roof over their heads. And to make matters even more fun the other 50-60 of us have been advised not to make any big purchases or commit to any loans or debt. But as long as your nan can pop to Tesco and the grandkids can go and stay for the afternoon after a day at school right?