In all seriousness in what are Scottish people worse done to? Public spending per person is £2000 a year higher in Scotland than in England.
Yeah at a time when the country is skint it would be silly throwing over hundred million on a gamble, so i'm sure thirty million vaccines will be available by September. 8 million in the UK have underlying health problems...... 15.83 million aged 60+ in the high risk group....... 7.3 million were in the high risk BAME group at the last census but that was nine years ago....... https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures...tion-of-england-and-wales/latest#by-ethnicity So the three groups at by far the highest risk according to stats comes to just over thirty million, but many will be in more than one category, so the initial batch should be more than enough to cover those in the highest need.
Are bame at higher risk genetically or is it that their lifestyle puts them at higher risk? Multiple generations in one household, much higher average number of people per house etc. I'd be interested to see the stats for ethnic minorities admitted to hospital and the corresponding stats for recovery rather than just deaths.
If i'm not mistaken i believe 100 million is a tiny fraction of the annual budget of the country. It's basically peanuts.
No idea but healthy white people aged under 60 will be in the second batch of thirty million. Everyone else will rightly be before because our own age groups have thankfully been low risk.
Can you imagine the comments from Farage and his ilk if BAME people get vaccines before white people? It will keep me entertained for years.
You’re all cheering me up - at 66 years old (well, on Wednesday) & diabetic, I must just be a winner in the game of vaccine bingo! I hope you’re right but I think, with this government, I’m a drain on the country & am cannon fodder
It’s easy to test it ,get somebody that’s had the vaccine then bung them in with somebody that’s got the virus and see what happens or is that too easy.
Too easy. You need two people. Both have been given a vaccine One you give the real vaccine to and one you give a placebo Then you check that tho one with the placebo gets it and the one with the vaccine doesn’t. Only you need to do it with more than that.
92% of hospital deaths have been aged sixty and over so you'll be one of the many millions of guinea pigs getting one......
You might think that but they've spent hundreds of billions and out many many thousands of people out of work to protect you
I bet there are at least that many who decline the vaccine. 52% of adults in the at risk group refused the flu vaccine last year for example which is absolutely barmy
it's far more complex - it doesn't follow that the one who got the placebo will develop the vaccine. Some of the questions that need answering before the vaccine is licensed are - does it give life long immunity - is it safe for people with existing medical conditions - how might it react with the drugs some people are on - does it cause other health problems - is it safe for pregnant women - women who are looking to become pregnant -etc.? These are difficult questions to answer. The important thing is not is the vaccine effective the main thing is that it should be safe. The bar for getting any vaccine licensed is incredibly high. (when a vaccine is produced it may be that some countries will license it whilst others don't.)
I know I was being a bit flippant. Its also why I am a bit unconvinced we will have 30 million doses of a fully tested vaccine in September.
I know they will want to know if it gives you lifelong immunity but if it doesn't and it only lasts say 12 months does that really matter? Can't someone just take it every year?