Now the flounce was poor in the first place, but not following through devalues it further... On a more serious note, if you want to post on here, then post. If you don't, then don't.The majority won't even remember this flounce in 48 hours, so you can just get on with the posting. But note to all posters, if anyone doesn't want to continue posting an an internet forum, any internet forum, you can just do it. There is no requirement to post an attention seeking "I'm off" post....
Reight...I once said Labour would not get elected while Corbyn was in charge..... I was called a deluded right wing Mail reading Tory Muppet who could not form an opinion of my own and just followed the Tory press like a sheep. That would be me..a former Labour member..Union rep..and Labour sponsored school governor who's beliefs are quite left of centre.. point is if ya gonna comment accept that some will disagree. They don't really kno you and are forming an opinion on a snapshot of your opinion. BTW....did Corbyn get in....erm No
it's not a job where you should give notice as said above, log out and delete the link to website and find another forum, though i'm guessing you are really asking for people to ask you to stay may be easier to re-register under another username & email and never give away your history if its sordid, i've only read this thread so don't know the issues that's upset you
To my mind 'shooting the message' is o.k. but 'shooting the messenger' is not. After posting messages earlier on certain issues, amongst other things I was called a racist many times and I found it unfounded and annoying. I just think that the posters who do this personal abuse stuff don't have the intelligence to actually argue any point. But there may be people who take some comments made about their posts seriously and are offended and may leave. It's not for us to say they shouldn't do that - we should respect these posters.
That's trouble wi you lot. 3 hail marys and all is forgiven. "Father forgive me for I have sinned." "Don't worry. Burying your lass alive. Is understandable." 3 hail Mary's and we'll leave it there. "