I spent a few minutes figuring out a way around the swear filter to describe the bloke in my post above. It was worth it.
This is on the conscience of every single person that voted for these evil cnuts. Every hungry child, every million pound of public cash lining their friends’ pockets, every job and life lost through dreadful handling of the Covid crisis. I do wonder how you live with yourself having voted for it but I expect that the general tory voter is well equipped to avoid self reflection. As one I spoke to today said on this matter; ‘they’re all the same, labour would have done it too’. We’ve still the implications of the Brexit these people voted for to come.
Self reflection is largely non existant to those of a right wing authoritarian nature. "Do as I say, not as I do". Unless you call them names, then they get all defensive and upset. Poor lambs. #ToryScum
There were 5 Tories who actually have some form of concience and voted for feeding Starving Children One of them Caroline Ansel had to stand down as a Junior Minister for not voting as she was told I assume the other 4 were already on the back benches. I did see their names but didnt recognise any of them
How we treat our vulnerable citizens is testament to just how civilised a society we are. This decision shows that vulnerable people’s lives do not matter to these fascists! I don’t care for anyone’s motivation for voting for these in December - you should hang your heads in shame!