I'm not disputing that, Mido. No problems with highlighting what's going on at the moment. I was just pointing out the way the press have gone in the last twenty years with creating sensational headlines to flog papers. It was just a passing observation though I do think that when they do overplay things it then gives ammunition to the climate change deniers to say there's nothing to see here. Again...climate change should be the priority across the world.
Huge fire in the fields across from the Marquis between Wath and Wentworth. Bloody woke fields, setting themselves on fire to scaremonger. Snowflakes.
Our dog has had his collar removed and is walking round the house naked! I thought if it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me and stripped my clothes off! Crystal was NOT impressed!
I was only 5 then, but I do just remember the heatwave in '76. We all had to queue up in the streets with our buckets, and get a limited amount of water from the 'standpipes'. And I remember Yorkie water suggesting that we might have to do that again in '95, but thankfully we didn't.
Works both ways mate. Homes on fire in your home town, fields and equipment on fire up and down the country, London suffering large scale fires and disruption, 40 degrees reached for the first time, not just in our lifetime ...... but EVER. But the vernacular earlier was "it's just a nice warm day". You're just a poor man's Michael Fish
Sitting outside 28°, banging it down and what feels like a tornado passing thru, bloody lovely, but mental weather.
Every fire that has started in the U.K in the last few days is by the hand of humans . Either Arson ( probably kids but unfortunately not exclusive) , stupidity , or just being a plain ******** Throwing cigarettes , matches etc to the ground. Watching the news Some people are going to be having very interesting conversations with there insurance companies I know I will have a barbecue on my wooden balcony and burn half the houses on the street down
People shouldn't have to go to work in summer when its warm its outrageous its also too cold to work in the winter and too rainy in the spring and too dangerous to leave the house in the autumn as leaves on the ground make it slippy.
Big emergency at Morrisons in Huddersfield earlier as the fridges had broken down with the heat so the meat shelves were completely empty and where the dairy products are the shutters were down not to take them even though they were still visible behind them.
I understand people being fed up of the news taking things to extremes for extra traffic to their website. What I don’t understand is when those people then do the exact same thing in the opposite direction. You don’t even have a newspaper to sell.
I did say 'so called' as it is not a term I have really adopted although it was ironically appropriate in terms of the current heatwave? There are plenty of articles on the subject if you can be bothered to Google it which I just have... attached is just one. On reflection, there is a certain justification to applying the label to quite a few groups within modern society. Lazily applying it to everyone within the current generation though is , again IMO wrong. https://www.epsomcollege.org.uk/aca...o-label-millennials-the-snowflake-generation/