Absolutely no way should this be allowed to happen. Already our fans are that bad we can't have local matches at 3 pm on a Saturday, split the north stand or sell every seat in our ground. I don't fancy having beer flying all over when we score and it gives people a reason to drink even more than they already do knowing they can have it in their seat. It would be a nightmare.
the only way it could ever be even remotely workable, would be if it was limited to standing areas only. even then, feels like an accident waiting to happen.
We’ve had an alcohol ban at games for 41 years. Ever since the maggots decided to re enact the battle of the Boyne after their cup final. TBH I don’t miss it. Never really bothered me having a drink at a game. Don’t see how anyone actually needs a drink or finds it hard to go without one for 90 minutes. But I’m not against anyone having one. Unfortunately the actions of lunatics have spoilt things for everyone.
Stupid idea if you ask me. The only thing like that I'd possibly relax is people in boxes behind glass windows, such as in the East Stand boxes.
one of the weirdest things I saw was when I was in club 64 a few years back. we were allowed to drink inside throughout the match, but only if the curtains were closed. they physically had to close the curtains, so we couldn't watch the match while we were drinking alcohol. dunno if it still happens like..
Yes of course. Pushing people into necking drinks at half time is pretty poor. Treat people like adults if they can’t behave kick em out. The revenue potential is also very good for clubs that are struggling. It also allows clubs to move up the pyramid. At the minute many are unwilling to progress as it shuts off vital revenue streams.
It's a no from me. Two hours. Surely to god folk can last that long without alcohol. If they can't they've got a problem. There's plenty who would cause even more chaos with more access to booze. Don't see an upside to be honest.
BYO? I don't drink any more but I'd have loved it if I still did. A few in the Miners Rest before the match, a 4 pack from the little shop on the hill on way to ground (saves cramming in a pint beforehand and one at half time), and more drinks after. Not a good idea for a multitude of reasons.
Think it's a good idea. If people want to get drunk they will find a way regardless. Only selling at half time just encourages folk to down as many pints as they can in a 15-20 minute window.
Enjoy having a beer at rugby. Usually get pissed and manage not to start fighting with other fans. I drive to all BFC games so never bothered me not having a drink
Unfortunately the mentality is totally different. Other sport's fans seem to behave. There is enough crowd trouble at football as it is. It would be a recipe for disaster.
I would certainly look at the idea of banning alcohol in the away sections. Too many idiots abusing the privilege. I like a drink missen btw. And attend most away games. Some of our lot are an embarrassment. In the way they behave. Spoiling it for the rest of us. Its led to changes. in the way strict rules. are being applied elsewhere. 1. Some like Just the football 2. Some of us like the social side and the football. 3 Some have no interest in the football and are in the main morons. So feckin drunk they lose all control. Anyone who saw that lad at QPR will know exactly what I mean. Until we rid ourselves of the 3rd category. No restrictions will be changed on alcohol sales. It ain't going to ever happen btw.
Bloke sat in front of me at Blackpool got hit on the head by a fried fish and I kid you not. (Cue jokes about him being salted and battered.) Imagine if that had been a bottle of beer.
I think the actual law is you can not be in line of sight of a football match with a beer in hand. Hence the curtains, and the no alcohol beyond this point signs. And probably why the corner has the advertising bolted on it between ponty and West stand