This is something I really don't understand with a lot of older people. I completely get not being good with the internet or with computers. Navigating them can be tricky I guess and all the different programs and apps work slightly differently. But how do so many of them seem to struggle with this one thing? The amount of times I've been called in to help one family member or another (ranging from in their 50s to 70s) with setting something up only for them to fail with the very basic 'accept or cancel' button or 'press ok to continue' is unbelievable. Can anyone on here give a clue as to why they sit staring at a screen that says press next to continue on it without knowing what to do?
As I said the other day, there was some talk of continuing with streaming but whilst we and others were all for it, the majority (lower leagues) were not. Then you’ve the broadcasters to deal with. The last 18 months was a unique anomaly. So it’ll continue like this, as it has previously. But again, as I’ve stated elsewhere, it’s very simple to be abroad and pay a tenner. And tonight, it’s available through ifollow for a tenner without catching a flight.
It is because they are anxious they are going to do something wrong if they click ok, such as wipe stuff etc. Can only go by my own parents etc
I did always assume it was that but I just can't get my head round what else they can possibly think they should do when that's the only thing on the screen. Another one that frustrates me is when I'm trying to talk them through things over the phone and I know what they need to do but they don't seem to see it on the screen. Here's a rough transcript of a phonecall I had recently... Ok so now just press manage devices Where does it say that? In the middle near the top It doesn't say it Oh. What have you got on the screen? (Knowing it has to be there as I'm doing the exact same thing on mine at home) It says home What else? It should say manage devices just below home right in the middle It says routines Yeah that's at the very bottom. It should say manage devices nearer the top. That's not there. Can you read me everything on the screen? Ok... Routines, smar.... No start at the top, routines was near the bottom wasn't it? Ok. Home, manage devices, add de... You said manage devices. That's what you need to click Oh... *Clearly said to the room not to me* Alexa turn on left light. Alexa turn off left light... *Said to me* The lights work Yeah, back to the task. Manage devices. Click that Where? Honestly you couldn't make it up and he's not particularly old and frail either just weird
She'll be in her armchair mumbling something about multimeters and they'll be saying, "but Grandma it's already switched on and working fine" "no, get the multimeter"
Your young uns got a rude awakening coming when yer faculties starting waning. Not very nice, but I too was like you at your age. Lesson learnt.