Well when you put it like that...... I think the only thing they have brought an improvement on is playing contracts not meaning the entire squad was renewed every season. But they swapped that for the revolving manager door instead. 1/10 And I keep pointing this out ... It's not just 80 percenters
The local chip shop recently gave me a steak and ale pie for free (they suggested that one of my staff bring it back to me to "get in my good books"), and I was pleasantly surprised. Loads of pepper - actually really enjoyed it, and much better than I remember. I'd probably still go for the chicken wrap, but as my first experience with Pukka pies for years I thought it was pretty good! Back when I could face the queues - and prices - I was always a meat and potato man, although I think in the midlands we're quietly proud of having introduced the balti pie to football fans everywhere...
The 3/10 was based on it could be a lot worse, honestly. I look at Chansiri at Wednesday and Morris at Derby. Maybe three is generous but it could be worse, they could have taken money out, oops hold on..