Don't hold your breath. This is the spiel for the 2019-20 Reserved Membership Alongside a welcome pack, including a number of Barnsley FC items*, Reds Reserved Members will also be granted season-long access to an exclusive digital Members zone, providing opportunities to enter exclusive competitions and giveaways, whilst also receiving messages from your favourite players. Reds Reserved Members will also be given access to unique events, with opportunities to meet the squad and embark on behind-the-scenes tours**. It was all utter crap: digital members zones, give aways, meeting the players, it never happened. Just empty words.
I wonder how quick the club would be to being charges against a fan who walked into the club shop and stole £50 out of the till. In my opinion that is no different to what they are doing to supporters I'm actually losing patience with the 'good members of staff' who are involved with this because frankly they shouldnt need embarrassing on Twitter before they being it up with their bosses. If someone is involved with the selling of season passes or with the marketing of season passes then they should have the personal responsibility and decency to do everything they can to sort it out. Not turn a blind eye until twitter embarrasses them into meekly asking the boss for an update.
They may be bringing it up daily with them but they can only type on Twitter what they are allowed to type. It reminds me of the 'no coats inside school at break and lunch' rule, even though it's absolutely freezing again. I'm regularly pushing to allow coats, and don't wear mine in solidarity, but I have to enforce the rule.
Then frankly they should come out and say that their bosses are banning them from communicating with fans. Personally I'd rather be jobless than work for a company who forces me to do what I know is morally wrong.
So would I, but I also know that that stance is very rare, even amongst those who would be able to do so. There's a hell of a lot of people in circumstances who don't have the luxury of quitting a job over something like this. How strong would your morals be in this situation if you were a single parent, or in crushing debt, or living off super noodles in a damp riddled flat? They could even be looking for a new job right now for all we know, plenty of staff have left BFC recently.
If I was in that situation I would inform the customers that I am asking and getting no reply and if my employer tried to discipline me for it I would see them in court.
yeah, my thoughts, they thought of an idea - put it in writing but since then have decided against it, they’re just ignoring the issue and riding it out IMO. their attitude will be ‘what they gonna do about it? ‘
That's not fair. Jamdrop is suggesting very valid reasons why someone can't do what you're suggesting they do. What's happening is wrong, but it's not the fault of the person picking up the phone or answering the Twitter enquiry. Take a step back and acknowledge that and if you're still angry about this situation take aim at the right people, not those working for a modest wage just trying their best to do a job with no power to influence anything. I'm not having a go at you, just asking you to be fair. No one where I work takes the blame for any decision I make, I do. Because I have a responsibility to look after our work force, it's not the other way around.
Correct, and further to the above, if the frontline staff are unable to answer, their manager should be willing and available to take the query on themselves, that’s how it works at my place and how it ought to be, supporting their staff not hiding behind them.
Just a bit sick of everyone hiding ignoring questions. The box office have been asked before. I called them and asked. They wouldn't answer. They have ignored numerous questions on twitter in the past too. I don't really care who the customer service agent is, if they're asked they should answer or flat out say my boss won't allow me to answer. Also whitey, to his credit, has done exactly what I'm suggesting. He's come out and said he's asked and got an answer but that frankly he was fobbed off last time too with false information. I respect him for that
What if they are asking and they are receiving no answer, though? Isn't that kind of what saying they've got no update is saying? If the social media manager doesn't speak to Conway directly, as there's a line manager system, then they ask their line manager what's happening who says 'don't know, I'll try and find out' then they can't give any other answer than they don't have an update. Loads of times parents ask me questions about things I don't know the answer to (e.g. exam timetable questions, what Covid rules will be after the holidays etc.) and I have to honestly say that I don't know but I'll try and find out. I'll ask my line manager who says they don't know and will find out and trying to get an answer is like trying to get blood out of a stone. The parent then asks again and I have to say that I don't know but I'll pass it on again for them and try and find out. Even if you go straight to the top and ask, if it's appropriate, then sometimes the Head will say they don't know either as a decision hasn't been made yet, or that they'll let me know asap or something like that.
Well I think you're being unfair to people who don't have the power to change things. If your food isn't up to scratch it is not the waiter's fault. If you have been overcharged for your gas bill it is not the fault of the person to whom you're speaking on the phone. If you haven't received the vouchers you were promised after purchasing a season ticket it is not the fault of the person answering the phone or responding to the Twitter message. And neither you nor I know how people in these positions have been instructed to respond.
Had similar situations at work myself with customers who have asked for a price list for example which I can't do. When theyve asked me for the third time I've been honest and said 'i keep asking XXX and he promises me he's going to send you one. I've no idea why he isn't doing it but he's bang out of order. He's a lazy ******* who doesn't care to be honest". That customer now refuses to deal with that person but is a very loyal employee who says she feels much more valued by the rest of the company.
Does the person who helped come up with the offer with the full knowledge that the company has a history of failing to provide this have any blame though? I think they do
I don't believe you're speaking about anyone who devised the offer. I think that's a board level decision, the likes of whom won't be answering the phone. Anyway, you're young, it's New Year's Eve, you shouldn't be speaking to me on the internet, you should be getting drunk and trying to dance with/kiss/have sex with persons of whichever gender you find attractive.
What's your address? I'm on my way. Have a good new year Jay. Hope it's better than this one. Also I know you're right with everything you and Jamdrop have said but I'm just too pissed off to accept it.