My Dad was in the mines rescue team at Dodworth (Church lane) on stand bye ,he wasn't called in for duty. Was tradgic that they found them but not in time.
National tragedy. My heart goes out to you. This should have never happened. Like Orgreave there has never really been any justice.
Yes that’s correct and also the Houghton Main disaster in which I think six men died in an explosion which could have been higher as it happened between shifts . The Aberfan disaster could have been easily avoided but for money saving by successive Governments . Also warnings from previous years had been ignored , Most people remember the disasters such as explosions from the mining industry and many many men ,women and children were caught up in these but the biggest death toll in the industry was individual accidents .
One of my earliest memories was being in the back yard while my mum was hanging out the washing. She looked to the road and froze as a dull purple van came to halt really slowly outside our house. She dropped the washing and ran down the entry screaming out dad’s name as a man in a uniform got out of the van. The neighbours took me in. Didn't know what was going on but I was absolutely terrified.... I'll never forget that NCB ambulance. Years later asked my old man about the blue scar on his head. “Some rocks fell from the roof.”
I was in the area a couple of years back so paid a visit to the memorial garden and nearby cemetry, very humbling, and sobering to think that but for topography, this could have been me in my school. They were of the same stock. RIP our Welsh brethren.
Evening of the Aberfan Disaster Robens chose to be at University of Surrey being invested as Chancellor. Robens noted as having given false information at the Tribunal which followed. Tribunal noted that the 'BLAME FOR THE DISASTER RESTED WITH THE NCB.' NCB criticised for discounting the concerns of residents re the instability of the Tips Families initially compensated - £50 per family. Some families protested at this small amount but were criticised by the NCB and accused of being 'part of a small group of parents (bereaved) who were trying to capitalize.' Amount increased to £500. Robens objected to the NCB having to pay for removing the other tips, £150,000 taken from the Donations made to Aberfan towards the cost of the removal. This was repaid in 1997,
Aberfan. One of. (If not) the most devastating incidents in history of the uk. Breaks my heart every time the anniversary is brought up. Teachers with pupils huddled round each other has to be the most distressing encounter anyone has ever faced. I remember it so vividly and was only 9 at the time. Seeing mam n dad devastated and in floods of tears. as were everyone, more so within mining communities. It was so preventable.
At the inquest one father was 'escorted -out' for shouting out ' children killed by the NCB.' Despite organisations like the NCB at Aberfan in 1999 - Orgreave 1984 - SYPolice at Hillsbro' 1989 being clearly culpable they abrogate responsibility and try to blame the victims. Disgusting! Karl Jenkins has written some brilliant music about the Aberfan Disaster - lots of it on You Tube. One of the best is 'Lament for the Valley.'