I work for NHS too and I'm just as likely to get killed off by someone whose just done their grocery shop. Only difference I can see there is Bojo hasn't advised anyone to cancel their grocery shop.
Yes - as I've repeatedly said we have to take necessary risks. The pub isn't one of them. It really is very simple. Just because you can catch it in Aldi it doesn't therefore make doing everything else ok. It's a bit like saying, "you could potentially catch HIV by doing XYZ, so I might as well still shag someone who might have it without taking precautions".
When you go to the pub how do you know you don't have covid but just aren't showing the symptoms yet? But hey, what the hell eh? There's no insulting going on. Just a questioning of some people's insistence on finding an excuse to carry on doing what they feel like in the face of the best advice of their own government.
To be fair Churton I said people disregarding it are thick but I feel really strongly about this and stick by it. I'm sure people will get over my terrible insult soon enough
I So you wanted brexit because you didn't want to be told what to do by Brussels. Now you have your own government giving you advice and you're ignoring them too. Boris has wheeled out his experts and you're still ignoring them. Who needs experts? I'm sure you know best. It seems some people just want to do what they like full stop.
Are we in lockdown or not? Every post you've made suggests we're in an official lockdown stage and nobody should be leaving the house, which I'll be in complete agreement with should that be enforced. There is insulting going on to be fair, even if it's just through the underlining tone. Like I said, insulting anyone who goes to a pub of coffee shop is also insulting that business owner for staying open. We've been told to operate a social distancing policy. If/When I'm in the pub, I'll be doing just that. More so than when I'm visiting store after store trying to find groceries.
The social distancing policy clearly states to avoid going to the pub. I know that is not good for your industry and it is terrible for all that work in it, but that is a fact.
So until someone forces you to stop walking blindfold across the road rather than just advising it you're going to carry on doing it. Fair enough.
North Korea claim they have no cases. We should ask them what they did right that the rest of the world did wrong.
At 9:31 on 27 February North Korea had 1 confirmed case. At 9:37 on 27 February North Korea had 0 cases. At 14:12 on 4 March North Korea had 1 confirmed case. At 14:20 on 4 March North Korea had 0 cases. Etc. Etc.
I think people are assuming every pub visit is Friday night in town. I won't be heading to the high street anytime soon for drinks or food, no high tempo occasions, but I might visit a friend or peer in their pub. I also might not. But when/if I do my risk of catching or spreading on will be significantly lower than people visiting schools, supermarkets, or still going to work. I'd genuinely be surprised to find more than five people in a pub right now.
This is a black or white situation though. The advice is to avoid going to pubs, it doesn't specify large gatherings in pubs, it is pubs full stop. Whether you agree with it or not is a different story, but it is clear what the government standpoint is.