Presumably it may mean that we don't become too complacent and carry on with the social distancing measures? and The Humber Cases (over stated anyway because of the unreliability of PCR but that's another issue) had started to flatten & fall before/at the time lockdown was introduced. No justification for crippling the economy and dictating who people can interact with.
So people die and whether those deaths could have been avoided or not is irrelevant. You do realise that you’re describing the end of law and society.
It's just another way to condition us all to accepting that freedom isn't a right, it has to be earnt.
Wouldn’t the most caring, societal thing for them to do be to take some personal responsibility and lose some weight, thus significantly reducing their risk of death rather than selfishly ask all the young and healthy people to sacrifice their jobs and social lives to ‘protect them’?
I don’t recall saying they were selfishly asking others to sacrifice their jobs. nor do I recall asking ‘what would a self-righteous nob suggest?’ but thanks for your thoughts anyway.
I personally think we should stop testing, other than for those who work with vulnerable people and those displaying symptoms that require treatment. But this isn't a medium for a discussion that huge. For what it's worth I hope your close one's are OK and I understand why they would be worried. My father's wife's mother recently had it. She's had a stroke a couple of years ago, she can't walk or talk, she has numerous health issues. She's fine. She's fine because she was taken into hospital and given oxygen. I know a hospital manager who says the prognosis for anyone given oxygen when breathing issues are mild is excellent. When they're really struggling the outcome is seldom good. You don't wait until you're stage 4 cancer before being treated. I would suggest this is far more valuable information for the public than a daily death count.
thanks Jay They’re both out working (one of them in a school ) it’ll be what it’ll be, all we can do is take care. I watched my dad die of pulmonary fibrosis, which I’m guessing will look very much like dying of Covid, it was the most frightening thing I’ve ever seen.
No I'm saying that we know coach crashes will inevitably happen but we accept the risk and still use coaches. At some point after today a passenger plane will crash and kill everyone on board. We accept the risk and continue to let people use planes. You could stop anyone dying in a plane crash ever again by ending all flights. We could stop Car deaths by strictly limiting every car to 5 mph or banning them completely. All any of us do is delay death, as such we asses the risks and live our lives. I never said it was irrelevant if deaths can be avoided, just that we accept a certain level of deaths that could be avoided.
We celebrate Christmas because that was the date Jesus was born. It’s a birthday celebration. And some of you heathens need to remember that.