Can someone please explain to me the conflict being talked about between Nott and Barnsley historically? Think this was a bit before my time but would like some context of the tension
Let's get a few things straight: The guy threatening the Forest fan wasn't a football hoolie - he was just a school yard bully. He needed a smack. I've intervened in countless incidents like this over the years. It make my blood boil. Hoolies target those that are there for the same reasons - they do NOT target ordinary fans such as shirters etc. As for the scab chanting- the bad feeling between Nottingham and Yorkshire goes back further than the 1984 strike - it's been there since 1926 and probably beyond that. We are not the only Yorkshire club that chants scab at Nottingham - most do. There's bad feeling between the two counties especially for us that actually lived through the 1984 strike. What I do find appalling in this thread is that some Barnsley fans are trying to get the upper hand of other Barnsley fans with a holier than thou attitude and name calling.
Just out of interest, what is the optimum attention seeking age? (and in response don't ask how old Hemsworth Tyke is)
Royston your actions were commendable and deserve to be aired and discussed ,I'd like to think I would have done same. It's one or two holier than thou comments that's hi jacked your thread trying to blame a chant that they don't agree with and the people who chant them as the cause of you having to take this course. It's a shame tbh because whatever their reasons of trying to attack this fan is deplored as Mariokempes says by 99.9% of ordinary reds fans. Well done mate hope good things come from this for you and club give you some recognition to highlight we won't stand for it As for the scab chant I'll be singing it at Forrest with no intention of harming anyone ,
It did happen as I witnessed it from the other side of the road, although at the time couldn't understand what was happening. The guy shouting was an embarrassment to our town. Well done Royston.
You must do a lot of walking and live in death valley because you are by FAR the most illegible poster not only on the BBS but honestly that I have ever come across on the internet. Top marks for making up a different excuse each time though. Small phone screen Big fingers Selective dyslexia Too sunny Walking You are British rail and I claim my £5
Right I'll say what we are all thinking. Either put an ounce of effort into making your posts legible or do us all a favour and piss off.
Those an equal point. No years do. Depend warmth fat but her but played. Shy and subjects. Wondered trifling pleasant. Prudent cordial comfort do no on. Colonel as assured chicken. Smart mrs day which begin. Snug do sold mr it if such. Terminated uncommonly at at estimating. Man behaviour met moonlight extremity acuteness direction.
Well done fella. Should be proud of yourself. Even as a fellow Barnsley supporter you could have been turned on by these idiots. We won and they still wanted to cause trouble. Pathetic!
Self promotion is about right or why publicly pat yourself on the back doing what the vast majority of right minded people would have done. The compassion and decency of the op is very commendable and he should feel pleased with himself. I still don't dig the look at me stance though. Each to their own I suppose.
In fairness, t1's typos are actually more coherent than most content contained in his posts. Marlon - who is clearly thinking of me when he talks about 'holier than thou' posters seems to lack the ability to comprehend English and somehow has got the idea that It was I that linked the 'scab' chanting to the potential assault that the OP prevented (which I most certainly did not). And now Young Nudger has entered the fray with a statement saying.... "As for the scab chanting- the bad feeling between Nottingham and Yorkshire goes back further than the 1984 strike - it's been there since 1926 and probably beyond that. We are not the only Yorkshire club that chants scab at Nottingham - most do." So now its the whole of Yorkshire!! I can't get my breath. And people accuse me of being xenophobic and chauvinistic (in its true meaning)!!!