I have to hold my hands up and plead guilty re brexit debates on here though I try to respect those making reasoned points.
Nonsense, nobody would deny help to those in need. The disabled, the ill, those temporarily out of work. But there are those who choose not to, those who blight our town centre. For me, they should be made to undertake community work such as cleaning up the mess they leave, no more free rides. As for those claiming benefits whilst in work, its a disgrace, but maybe they can see that the uncontrolled immigration we’ve suffered leads to a plentyful supply of cheap labour keeping wages low.
Me too, I don’t bother now, Donny Red thinks I’m a nazi. It’s pointless trying to debate with some of the happy clappers on here, I think some are rabid.
And yet Tory policies have done so consistently. Cutting benefits for the poorest and the sick and dying because there's no money to pay for them, then giving tax breaks to the rich. Bizarre eh? Again - all research done has proved it's not the case. It won't stop people repeating it as if it's true though - that's politics in the 21st Century, we no longer need facts, feelings are much more important. When the Prime Minister of this hallowed democracy will openly lie to parliament knowing that we all know he's lying - who needs facts any more?
Don't normally comment on Brexshit, but that's not a good comment. When your landlord charges far more than your minimum wages income can support, then you can claim housing benefit to make up the difference but you still work 40 or 50 hours a week and HAVE to claim benefits to make ends meet, who is to blame? Very little social housing available these days as the Tories sold off most of the council houses, so landlords hike the prices, and rip off the state as they know the government will pay the difference. My observation Having to claim benefits whils in work IS a disgrace, but not the fault of the low paid
Depends where you get your research from. But lets not go down that well trodden road again eh Donny.
It’s far from nonsense, so it’s immigrants fault as well as those who need benefits just to make ends meet. Despite all the studies telling us it isn’t, you’ve decided it is. I really can’t begin to comprehend the I’m all right jack attitude. why don’t you actually blame the people whose billions of pounds of tax avoidance could fix the problems for those in need you have a issue with
Again; we're back to measuring facts with feelings. You're entitled to your feelings, I just don't understand why you can't understand simple facts and you choose the snowflake option of being offended when you fail to present any facts.
But that situation exists to support rich business owners. It's not the fault of immigrants or the working poor - but the greed of the rich and the politicians who support them
What bothers me about the narrative of the left is that you say 'the greed of the rich business owners' as if they are the devil. Most business owners in this country are ordinary folk who risk everything to build a small business that employs tens of people. They re-mortgage their house to provide funds to keep their business going and they often go months without paying themselves anything to make sure their business stays afloat and their staff get paid. They work 7 days a week with no possibility of a holiday. And then, when they achieve some success they are demonized by the left as 'rich business owners'. It boils my piss. Most people in this country owe their employment to these 'rich business owners' who have risked everything, not large multi national mega corps. But the narrative of envy seems to get stuck as a label on all of them just the same. We live in a global economy. People will pay (a) what the market rate is that will attract the right people for the job as long as (b) it is at least the legal minimum. Therefore, a plentiful supply of labour will keep wages down in a free market economy. It's the law of supply and demand. It applies to people and wages just as much as the price of a holiday or a telly. You could argue the case for an increase in the living wage and I would not argue against it within reason. But you would eventually reach the point where it makes our businesses uncompetitive on the world market and the jobs move elsewhere or fewer of them get created. It's a fine line.
I’ve mentioned this on here before but they’ve stopped my mam’s disability benefits after 41 years. She hasn’t got better, she’s got decidedly worse. At 59, she could have been taking her pension next year but has to wait another 6 years with no financial help whatsoever as no chance of a job and no disability payments. My dad is having to support them both on his factory wage job he’s had since the pits shut. They couldn’t give a crap about my family and are desperately trying to get a No Deal Brexit which could very well kill my mam, but at least they wouldn’t have to spend any more money on her.
You know that when people and Labour say rich business owners they don’t mean someone selling things on eBay or running a corner shop. They’re talking about billionaires who register their business in another country to avoid paying tax. Those are the people we need to crack down on, not the local pub or cafe owner.
totally agree JD - the tax evaders etc do want clamping down. But the fact is that taking money from the rich doesn't make the poor richer.
I am not talking about people running a corner shop. I am talking about people who run small to medium businesses, like the one I work for (until it was bought out), a consultancy business that started from nothing and was built by 3 joint owners into a business that employed 70 people and was worth a few million by the time they sold it . These are the types of operation that fill the business parks all over the country and employ the vast majority of people in the country. And no, I absolutely do not know that Labour know the difference between these people and the Amazons of this world. In fact, I know they don't.
If they are not tax dodging then they are not the people who are being targeted by loop holes being closed.