Course they do. SMEs are the bedrock of the economy Labour want to build. And if they pay their fair level of tax now they'll be far more competitive once those that don't are forced to
You're ranting as usual. I never posted either. What I posted is I cant see why my taxes should support those who wont work not those who cant. Do try and control yourself.
You're only partly right. What most right thinking working people have realised is that low wages are kept low as long as there’s plenty of folk ready to work for lower rates. Or have the freedom to come to our country and undercut us. Then these cheaper rates have to be subsidised by benefits. Its simple maths, fewer people to do the work by controlling immigration higher pay required to get those workers that are available, less benefits paid and more money available for other services. Oh, and the druggies made to clean up the town centre before we throw any tax payers money or free methadone at them
the whole freedom of movement was brought in to suit rich business owners and the capitalist system that controls the eu,it wernt brought in just so we can go for a a quick weekend away with as little fuss as possible
Exactly my point. It's not simple maths at all - economics is complex, and bent politicians pretending they can solve problems with soundbites has created a society where people think 'simple maths' has the answer. It doesn't. Many other countries have the same limitless (it's not really but for the sake of the argument) immigration rules, and yet salaries across those countries varies wildly (just like the benefit rules do). I'm afraid the immigration argument isn't the answer to the question of low wages, you have to look to those same politicians and their corrupt friends in industry and the media, to small employers who want labour they can treat badly because of their own personalities, to labour laws that have removed workers rights. Once again - we have record numbers of people in work - your 80's soundbite Thatcherisms would lead you to 'know' that that would push up wages, the rich just keep getting richer - again the Tories have conned you into believing that if the country is doing OK that money will 'trickle down', but it doesn't. Whilst average wages have stagnated over the last 10 years - the rich are exponentially richer. It's the same old right wing politics, they're robbing you and me, but are pointing their finger at the immigrants as a distraction technique. And millions of you fall for it - time and again.
I run my own business & I don't want to get involved with personal abuse. The xenophobia/ racism on the leave side has left me in no mind whether I'd rather buddy up with the likes of China / USA / Russia / India, or the EU. I have strongly opposed the likes of TTIP & other things we had a boycott on. We are now moving into a time where we are going to drown the baby in the bath water, taking us to a low standards set of agreements, which will not help small business, but will let us be raped by US mulltinationals.
Every factual peer reviewed report into immigration. And never said you said I'd offended you - but in every politics thread you feel the need to bring up my name - your 'feelings' are clearly much more important to you than any facts.
Im not. I assure you of that. And you didn’t, I did notice you tried to correct yourself when it was pointed out how silly your viewpoint is. still I won’t change your mind, voted for brexit, doesn’t like immigration, thinks people on benefit are stealing from you. Can’t see what the actual problem is. the daily mail et al have done a decent job on you.
[ To be fair we need to crackdown on both at the same time. The amount of unpaid tax by small businesses must be in the billions
Hi Dek, there is a lot of truth in the wages argument, up to a point. Zero hours contracts are the enemy of good working people, many of whom subcontract to me at weekends, No one is saying these things are good, but they could be stamped out by our Government. In Germany & France they are heavily regulated & in many countries outlawed. This is a bigger problem & with Brexit workers are going to go to USA standards, i.e. **** all holidays & workers rights. I'm pretty sure you ain't a Boris Johnston man.
How Jeremy Corbyn voted on Environmental Issues # Generally voted for measures to prevent climate changeShow votes22 votes for, 4 votes against, 6 absences, between 2000–2019 Generally voted against lower taxes on fuel for motor vehiclesShow votes8 votes for, 6 votes against, 2 absences, between 2010–2013 Consistently voted against selling England’s state owned forestsShow votes0 votes for, 2 votes against, in 2011 Generally voted against higher taxes on plane ticketsShow votes0 votes for, 6 votes against, 5 absences, between 2013–2017 Generally voted for financial incentives for low carbon emission electricity generation methodsShow votes3 votes for, 1 vote against, 2 absences, between 2011–2018 Consistently voted against culling badgers to tackle bovine tuberculosisShow votes0 votes for, 4 votes against, between 2013–2014 Voted a mixture of for and against greater regulation of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to extract shale gasShow votes2 votes for, 2 votes against, in 2015 Voted a mixture of for and against new high speed rail infrastructureShow votes1 vote for, 2 votes against, 5 absences, between 2013–2019 How Boris Johnson voted on Environmental Issues # Almost always voted against measures to prevent climate changeShow votes1 vote for, 7 votes against, 6 absences, between 2004–2019 We don’t have enough information to calculate Boris Johnson’s position on higher taxes on plane tickets.Show votes1 vote for, 0 votes against, 1 absence, in 2017 Has never voted on financial incentives for low carbon emission electricity generation methods Voted for greater regulation of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to extract shale gasShow votes1 vote for, 0 votes against, in 2015 Has never voted on new high speed rail infrastructure
Seeing as though everybody hates everything about the Uk/England/ Barnsley/Barnsley fc. Can admin look into setting up a new football franchise that doesn’t involve all the Barnsley football cranks please. Preferably in the champions league or somewhere warmer. Perhaps where it’s a pound a pint of magnet or that Spanish muck for a euro From the flames, the Phoenix can fly, we deserve more than championship, Or Like Wimbledon moved to Milton Keynes, I’m suggesting we move to Darlington. Blackwell meadows holds 25000 which is nearly 2000 more than oakwell Darlington is only 20 minutes from the coast, dirty Barnsley is 90 miles on a good day. Our chairman is a this, our chairman is a that, Could be worse
Whilst I appreciate your sentiment (and I've spent enough of my life self-employed). You do realise how ridiculous the notion that most small businessmen do it for no pay is? All those £100k cars parked behind the East stand car park aren't owned by businessmen who don't pay themselves - nor are they owned by the wage slaves who toil to create the wealth of the nation. This isn't the politics of jealousy; it's simply a realisation that capitalism has reached the point where the working class are no more than business assets - maybe there's a clue from when the 'personnel' department became 'human resources'? You can't argue with the disproportionate growth in the income of Directors whilst the earnings of employees have dropped hugely in real terms in the last 15 years.
Lets examine that to see if it's true: Does making rich business owners to pay their workers a decent wage make the poor richer - Yes in absolute terms Does taking money from the rich in taxes to redistribute it through social security make the poor richer - Yes in absolute terms Does simply taking money from the rich make the poor richer - yes in relative terms So - factually your assertion is incorrect - it's just one of those politicians soundbites that doesn't hold water. You're welcome.
If I had my way - I'd remove all state protection of religion; it causes more problems than it solves.