What has Trump got do with it? We’ve now seen we can’t afford to stay in lockdown. You can’t contain the virus if we want functioning economies - a fact that was abundantly clear way back when. Asymptomatic cases and length of incubation make testing a pointless endeavour.
Just been to Morrison's at Cortonwood for a few bits, I don't want to sound like a Karen but noticed toilet roll and anti bacterial wipes were extremely low. Hope this isn't a sign of moronic behaviour again.
The good lady and I have been out to eat. The adherence to the regs has been excellent. I also have personal knowledge of pubs where it has been a cluster.... Answer? close bad pubs down and suspend their licence. But that would invlove specific enforcement by our underfunded police service. Let responsible establishments continue to trade, in fact hold them up as the gold standard.
I thought so too. Most of the threads on this site have been structured conversations and a far far better place to debate than other social media sites. If you only read people who agree with you it becomes an echo chamber.
https://www.aier.org/article/open-l...rFI49HH9tJS42Pecw1c&__twitter_impression=true A interesting read. Open Letter from Medical Doctors and Health Professionals to All Belgian Authorities and All Belgian Media "The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good"
Fingers crossed it happens. Get shut of the useless face coverings that haven't made a difference. Learn to live with something you can't get shut of. Protect the most vulnerable.
Maybe they can answer why governments are tweeting this hashtag, which is worrying people who already have enough anxiety.
Brilliant!! Oh the irony ! The underlying science based guidance and advice is relevant regardless of who makes the pronouncement. So you are saying if people dislike/hate a politician or, for that matter, anyone, they will ignore any common sense (in this case science/medical based) advice simply because of their attitude to that person. It is those who do so who lack common sense and personal responsibility. ST - will YOU adhere to it? If not why not?...just because you hate the messenger? If you have enough sense and personal responsibility to follow the rules regardless of your hatred of the rule makers then why don't others? Even idiots get it right occasionally.
The cases have risen because people are NOT wearing them and NOT adhering to social distancing. The spike is largely the younger age groups congregating at night in bars and clubs. Older people have not seen a corresponding spike. Although many oldies apparently disregard the rules in supermarkets etc (not here though), the duration of exposure passing someone in the aisle unsurprisingly, is far shorter than standing around in large groups maskless drinking and talking in pubs, bars and restaurants whilst ignoring social distancing. Your comment re science theory vs reality reminds me of the head who, on a refresher maths course for primary teaching, asked the tutor... "...but what if I have worked out all the steps logically and still got the wrong answer???"
I'm impressed with your knowledge of how it's transmitting over here considering you haven't set foot in an English supermarket, pub, restaurant, cafe or anything else and haven't drove r walked past any of the above. You've got some cheek to be honest to go trying to blame young people for this when you are unashamedly admitting that you don't think the rules apply to you and openly admit that you refuse to follow the face mask rules