Ah another personal jibe. As I posted at the time which some sanctimonious idiots on here with an agenda ignored, I try never to do so in close proximity to others . The point about holding ones breath for several seconds (e.g. when the waiter is serving me in a restaurant) was also ignored. I would like to see anyone wearing a mask continuously for an hour or more in 30-35C temperatures. If you are not breathing you are not projecting virus droplets or airborne micro particles. ALL masks leak small amounts of air at the sides and around the nose anyway regardless of how close fitting they are. Almost everyone here does the same even shop workers and medical practitioners. Safe distancing is the key. That said, it helps being in a rural area where safe distancing even in supermarkets is possible.
Yes because I'm not as selfish as you. And why won't others follow the rules? Look in the mirror and then answer that question
So what you're saying then is that if you don't like the rules it's fine to ignore them provided you personally don't think that ignoring them is too dangerous? Is your name Dominic?
And yet I still follow them to the letter unlike you who believes that you are above the law and can do as you please.
If the stats Loko posted are remotely accurate you could argue that given care homes and schools don’t wear masks add to the evidence masks work.
What "Law" is that? I just give up. You resort to personal abuse when you have no reasoned response when someone challenges your views. Go on then! Where is your evidence I mean. REAL evidence i.e. that Govt lockdown policy is racially and class prejudice motivated and also that wearing masks has caused the spike or at the very least made no difference?
The cases have risen because if you allow people to interact a Virus will spread. It’s arrogant in a way. Such hubris to assume that we could have complete control over a virus.
Not yet. I'm quite enjoying you making a fool of yourself tying yourself in knots defending this government and its policies. I might give it a go this afternoon if I get bored of your ramblings.
I kind of agree that unless we managed 100% of the planet population to self isolate for 14 days or more with absolutely no travel local, national, international, no commercial or social activity then the virus will continue to exist. The point of the existing strategy WAS at the start, intended to prevent hospitals and medical centres being overwhelmed as they were in Lombardy when the outbreak first hit Europe. Given the fact that the Nightingale hospitals were largely unused or underused, then that strategy was a success. Whatever Govts. everywhere decide, - lockdowns and restrictions or a herd immunity approach 'free-for-all' - there will be criticism. Even the science community do not have a definitve answer, and in the medium long term the only answer to returning to a pre-Covid existence will be an effective vaccine available to all.
Not defending anyone. Another of the clique on here who end up turning threads into personal abuse and when people respond in kind accuse them of hypocrisy.
See comment 121 and try, if you can, to respond to each point without resorting to personal 'digs' Are all those people particularly the medical staff I reference also "selfish"?
I'll just take your word for it that in Italy instead of wearing masks the medial staff simply hold their breath around people. Seems a bit weird like but I'll believe you
Not at all. Your suggestion that we'd be ok by not breathing just made me chuckle that's all. But if you're going to get your knickers in a twist over a bit of pee taking, then I'd suggest you reinforce your glass house whilst you're lobbing these stones.
I've felt a rollercoaster of emotions regarding Covid-19 and listened to all the advice and conspiracy theories. What I can't work out is the hysteria over a virus that for many is no worse than the common cold. If people had followed the advice and washed and sanitised it wouldn't have spread. You can blame governments all you want but the virus is spread by selfish people. Selfish people could have stayed away from high risk groups, they didn't. Selfish people could have waited to go abroad when restrictions were lowered, they didn't. It's society that's flawed. This virus just highlights our own deficiencies as people.
Press conference at 11am by Whitty and Valance. Here's me thinking that our Prime Minister would be attending and leading it. How silly of me.
Hopefully the two scientists tell the truth and not follow government orders and water down the seriousness of the situation. As for Johnson. Still pished from another night on the bottle.