Guess the point is Stendel seemingly talked to other clubs not through the official channels or so we are led to believe. Struber has that buy out clause, so if protocol has been followed then its fair game.
According to the itk... It's histo lose like last time... After being kept on last time was always going to get another chance..
Absolutely no chance. Had his audition and failed. We'll be ready to move much quicker than last time as we knew this was coming and we have the International Break.
Makes sense to me. He’ll do his very best, then gives the new bloke a couple of weeks over international break, to get his message across. No idea about this Murray bloke, but already sounds like it will be a very divisive appointment
It's felt like the week has dragged on waiting for news of the seemingly inevitable. Assuming the situation is as reported in the Chronicle, then my immediate question is how motivated will the team be to play for a coach on Saturday who they all know has chosen to leave. I guess there's a logic leaving things 'as is' up to the international break, but I doubt (despite everyone's best efforts) that there's the same 100% focus on the game on Saturday at present. It also seems to have adversely impacted our incoming transfer activity at the worst possible time. According to something I read on Twitter yesterday, we're one of 3 teams who could set a record of no goals scored in their 1st 4 Championship games (Forest and Wycombe being the others). I'm surprised that 'only' 4 games would be a record at this level but it would be an unwanted 'achievement' to sign off his time with the club. If he's taken the decision to leave then I think the team's best interests would be served by moving on immediately, and not allowing all the distractions to continue further. I hope I'm wrong, but tomorrow's game isn't one I'm looking forward to in these circumstances.
I see it completely differently. You would assume there's a strong bond within the group, considering how much it gets referenced and after everything achieved last season, so Struber taking training all week and managing for one final game should hopefully inspire a positive performance. He's obviously a talented manager/coach. We should keep him in charge for as many games as possible (one more game in this case).
Clubs entitled to talk to potential candidates at anytime, some will question if it is double standards but it is the coach contracted tot the club not the other way round.
Last Saturday's performance seemed unusually flat, which I attributed to the same thing. In fact, when I saw that Ritzmaier was on the bench I did initially wonder whether Murray had picked the team. I'm concerned that we'll see more of the same while the distractions continue to dominate. I hope I'm wrong.
Yep, could be argued the squad want to give him one last performance/result. It’s all about the personalities involved.
I think how flat we are is a hangover of playing a 'mini-season' and then going in to a 46 game season. If I feel it as a supporter, as others have mentioned, I'm sure the players feel it. It was a flat performance but we should have won the game.
Bit down in the dumps about this. I think it indicates Struber sees another year of battling relegation. Little to be gained from his perspective. Not got many positives if we keep playing the same way, wingless, pressing game then I doubt we will get a better replacement. Be dead chuffed if we got Paul Cook but that would signal a change in playing style and I just can’t see it. Long season ahead, my first as a ST holder and F’all chance of seeing em play.
Agree.. but it's win win for the board. No compo, only be on ten Bob an hour more than whitey so cheap.yes man so won't rock the boat... And if we go on a losing run he'll get it and not the club. If he does ok then then Danecan say.. he was our first choice for years.. easy
Upon accepting the role he'll thank Stendel and Struber for the different styles he's learnt as a coach underneath them.