Easy choice as MotM yesterday- The way he handled the one on one after Lyndsays mistake was top class better than the Penalty save for me which is a bit more down to guessing right. I thought he generally had a good game though and cant fault his performance at all yesterday. He is one of the better keepers in League 1, Just not sure about the Championship he lost his confidence last season and its taken a while to get it back - would the same happen again next season against better attacks? I think he has done enough to be given a chance next season if he wants it but if we do lose a couple of players in the summer there are several I would chose to keep before Davis
It's same with every keeper tbh, doesn't matter what team they play for.They do tend to get more criticism then praise.
Didn't realise we were so good defensively that season. Fair play. Still have doubts about him myself in the championship based on the horror show last time we were there, but deserves another chance.
Didn't realise that either, fair enough on that one. We had a hell of a team first half of that season. Davies never seemed to recover from the massive **** up that let Winnall score towards the end of that season. Had a shocker of season following that. As I said if we go up he's earned a shot at it. I suppose we are a good fit for each other he's no better than us hence why he's still here, and we probably couldn't get a lot better in without paying more.