Thanks mate. I ‘dabble’, it’s true.. first class honours in Fine Art out of Chelsea, Masters degree at Saint Martins & halfway to phd before getting poorly. That Old Oakwell watercolour, was different. I made prints to earn for myself & local charities. Presented to the original painting, beautifully framed in oak to Patrick, half time, last game of season. He thanked me for the gift, saying his two passions in life were painting & Barnsley Football Club. I said thank you, but never again, keep me waiting for 10 minutes with a gift to be gave & lackies like Mansford kissing your arse. Especially when 2nd half is kicked off &I need a piss. we put 5 goals in 2nd half v Rochdale, I think.
Would they mind if the electric boxes were decorated? I hate to say it but the Leeds fans have done a brilliant job around Elland Road, l have to drive past it every day.
Hmm, they were flogging summat similar on here... there's one on the pub where they spend a lot of time.. l wonder who's doing em..
Ha ha you're so off the mark if that's me you're thinking is doing them. I do the mosaic tables yes. In the process of setting up legit. I wouldn't risk it as i need a Criminal check to work in education. That'd look good eh. If you watch the vid again he must be 6foot plus. If you've ever met me......... well I say I'm 5 8 and I've added a bit on. As for the pub. Yes it's my local and girlfriends pub. When they appeared she'd had a call from an unknown number to say what he was planning. It appeared overnight. She was gutted as she wanted Super John. Oh and he wasnt wearing shorts. Ask anyone who knows me....... ps I do like them though. I'm fairly sure if he approached the club and went 'open' they'd commission him to do life size ones in the concourses ?!?
The Barnsley Banksy. Next time ask your young un to hold the camera, he's not that cracking at sticking em on. Legal disclaimer. It's not him.
Whilst no doubt Mr Red pants has some talent, I’d like to know if this was an essential journey ? Stay atom , protect the NHS, Save tiles !
With respect Nez. I would love to know what part Patrick played in the Don’s naivety and total screw up of the Liverpool ticket allocation.
Seen as neither are around to question and it being years ago and we still sont know.... It's safe to say we will never find out. So why keep bringing it up