I usually access the BBS from my iPhone. Recently I’m getting a message that the website is ‘Not Secure’. Is this anything to be concerned about?
Use your 4G instead of wi-fi and you should be fine. It's just a warning that comes up on most sites.
Any website which begins http:// is not encrypted, which means that traffic on it is in plain text. In theory, a competent "hacker" could intercept the data and read it, but since it's a public forum most messages are freely available to read anyway. For most of us, the only confidential information would be our login passwords, but even if someone got hold of your password the worst they could do would be to log in using your username and post some rubbish (hee hee). You'd soon realise and change your password. You should however be careful what you post in private messages. If you're doing anything on the internet involving confidential information such as bank details, online ordering, booking flights etc, make sure the website you're using begins with https://. If it doesn't, don't use it.
Update. I believe there is an https:// version of this site. Just use https://barnsleyfc.org.uk and see if the warning disappears. If you've got any links or favourite entries to access this site, make sure they are using the https:// version
Had this on my phone quite a while now. Told not to be concerned. But is a bit offputting. Not caused any issues that I’m aware of.
What it means is that anyone can view this site so don't put any sensitive things on like Bank account details & such things, nowt to be concerned about.
If you wanted to up the security on this forum, it's pretty simple. if you create a .htaccess redirect file (Couple of lines of code) and drop it into the root of your web storage, it will redirect all traffic trying to access the non secure http to https. https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/ssl/how-to-force-https-using-the-htaccess-file
Good point, I use that on my long distance walk website to redirect traffic from http://wildyorkshireway.co.uk to https://wildyorkshireway.co.uk.
Slightly off topic but I’ve been looking for a decent sight with regards hamsters, I’ve been told XHamster is a good place to start, can anyone confirm this?