Lol.. flounce elert flounce elert if ever I saw and breathe ... One game in... one transfer window (good job there's not two this season ) And already the knives are been sharpened claws are out.. Meow Baby Meow... And breathe Ooooh it's going to be . Popcorn at the ready... Now wheres my flouncing pants.. snowflakes its going to be a long long season we all better watch our waist lines... Popcorn sales will go through the Roofe... Sorry that's one Leeds player we weren't linked with or were we... Enjoy peeps enjoy
Why post something provocative and mildly abusive, then get upset when others are provoked? It's almost as if you enjoy confrontation. Why not just chill out a bit, enjoy life, and just stop arguing? You might enjoy it.
You can't post something and suggest it applies to certain posters on here (but not have the balls to actually name them) and then claim by not doing so it isn't personal. It's the kind of behaviour you'd expect young teenage girls to engage in: "I think one of you is a bit fat but I won't say who... it's nothing personal." It's like that Will Ferrell film (edit: Talladega Nights) where he thinks you can say whatever you want as long as you put "with all due respect" in front of it