You do realise that hating Trump doesn't make someone a sheep? It makes someone a decent human being.
He’s got to be one of the most despicable human beings that’s gracing this earth, horrible horrible person
Politics aside, his treatment of women, disabled people and his racism is reason enough for me to put myself in the “haters” category. Congratulations on finding all that acceptable enough for you not to feel the need to follow the sheep.
Thing is with Trump and same with Tory’s in Britain and probably every populist govt is that they have certain rallying calls that attracts voters . Most voters know what Trump is and what he stands for as they did in Britain it all we heard in Britain was foreigner this foreigner that and get. Brexit done . That was enough for some voters despite all the horrible things the Tory’s have done over the last ten years or so Brexit was the most important issue. The fact the NHS is on its knees workers have the worst rights in Europe, The richest are getting richer the poorest are getting poorer . Even the fact top Tory’s were dodging the media’s scrutiny because their lies were so see through . So imo it matters not what Trump is found out to be because most of the electorate know and put certain things he says such as build that wall etc etc resonates with them . A lot will probably not admit voting for him like in the last election where Clinton was miles in front in the polls because many were ashamed to admit they’d vote for him s d it’ll happen again imo just as the chancer Johnson got in .