Its where I am too. Focus on what you can control and influence. I've got control of where I walk, what I eat and drink, what I watch, who I speak to and what I think. It may not be enough for some people, but if thats what I have, thats what I'll immerse myself in until i can expand it more widely in a way that doesn't put my nearest and dearests life in peril.
A few counter points: 1) You guys are ‘just trying to focus on what you can control’ etc but between you you’ve just made 15 posts of varying lengths attempting to try and justify the unjustifiable. If you’re concerned about your mental health it might be good advice for you to step away from the post rather than try and perform extreme mental gymnastics to twist basic logic trying to shoot it down. 2) Can you point to where I’ve said that this means that I think you’re in favour of continuing this forever? 3) Thanks for the advice on career. Funnily enough I’ve had my first experiences of political activism in the last 12 months, as well as resigning my Labour Party membership so hopefully you’ll be pleased to know I am trying to take practical steps to follow my beliefs.
1) no mental gymnastics here, I'm just following the rules 2) I don't think anyone specifically said you think people like us think that, but it's a general train of thought amongst people such as yourself 3) cool, I hope you don't get your deposit back wherever you're standing if that's the route you decide to take
I saw the same in a match I watched a few days ago when at 8:30 french time all the fans had to leave. Can any scientists explain to me how the curfew actually helps. most covid measures I can at least understand the logic even if I dont necessarily agree but a curfew has me baffled
No, curfew makes no sense whatsoever. I can almost understand the idea behind a pub curfew, the longer people are there, the longer they drink etc. and drunker people are less likely to be able to follow things like social distancing. (Note that this doesn't mean I agree with a pub curfew before anybody jumps down my throat) But a general curfew I just can't see the logic behind at all. I'm sure there is some logic and some reasoning, but it escapes me. Maybe something to do with Emergency services and trying to quieten them down during the night?
I'm guessing, I may be wrong, but it reduces the amount of time people can be in close contact with folk outside their household? Which to me makes perfect sense.
To me though it concentrates into a shorter time span people’s activities - leading to more crowding and additional close contact? (Eg I like going to Sainsburys at 6am or 10pm normally because they’re quiet)
everyone went out at 5 instead of 6 then at half 9 cleared the offies out before heading home to continue the night.
Stockholm Syndrome's kicked in well & truly. Some will never recover from the incessant fear based messaging. The behavioral scientists have played a blinder tbf.
Just out of interest. If you or your nearest and dearest, only in their late 30s had a very high chance of dieing from covid if contracted, irrespective of being twice vaccinated.... what would you do? Would you take personal steps to mitigate that risk, or just say, ah sod it, if i die, I die?
Is that not the same as early kick offs, people drink earlier and faster so it defeats any attempt to prevent drunkeness
Previously sensible, intelligent folk also somehow came to the conclusion that the best way to tackle a devastatingly deadly pandemic is to do **** all. They haven't agreed with a single restriction, been uncooperative and undermining in equal measure and won't even get themselves vaccinated. I'm as incredulous as you are.
Personal steps or want society restricted indefinitely ? Don't try it with reaching for the moral high ground either, you know nothing about anyone else on here's experience or what their job is or what they have to do daily with the whole Covid issue.
Personal steps (it does say personal steps in my post after all, but happy to confirm). There's no moral high ground at all, I'm simply asking what you would do in that situation. So what would you do?