Why? Airbus are threatening to pullout (15k direct, 100k supply chain) without customs union and single market access. Car industry are warning 800k jobs at risk for same reasons. You can argue whether the issues at maplin, poundworld, house of fraser and carillion were related but thats several tens of thousand jobs already gone.
SMMT warning of 860,000 jobs at risk this morning in the event of a '''no deal'. But no doubt that's just another EU conspiracy as well!
Yet Boeing mention they would take Airbus facilities in the UK should they up and leave.. Shallow threats from our French neighbours. You quote all those lots jobs (that have not actually happened, unemployment is at a new low).... and before anyone mentions zero hours contracts, the main increase has been from permanent full time rolls. PS - Don't take that as me being a Tory.. They are equally as bad as Labour, probably just shade it between two poor choices. We need a new party to emerge, away from the far right and away from this ultra left wing style of politics.. Neither of those show compromise which is always needed.
Airbus have already written to its employees stating clearly that they have no intention of leaving....either they were lying then or they're lying now.
House of Fraser etc due to internet shopping and do you seriously think Airbus and the car industry can relocate so easily?
Ray I notice that some of your Facebook friends have names like Mustafa, Akeroyd, Amrapali, Paulaa, Nehemiah, Nasralla and Giri. And another one is called Nutter. I can see which one you'd relate to most.
You know precisely what will happen. Of course Airbus will still have a presence here, but it will either request and expect a huge sweetener to remain to offset tariffs and impacts from new restrictions, or, it will slowly shift its operations to other areas, especially if the UK can't find a mechanism that either is a customs union or allows free movement over borders of parts and completed components. It's already happening in the professional services sectors, and I noted a report just yesterday suggesting banks residing in the Uk were insufficiently prepared for a no deal scenario. Barclays, DB, Nomura and Citibank are ones I know of directly that have either made redundancies... which have mysteriously then been recruited in mainland Europe, or have shifted centres of operations to new buildings in Europe. Luxembourg being the main one I've seen first hand who are building new links from their airport to the vast amounts of new shiny office blocks to cater for the banks on the main boulevard to their old town. Impressive infrastructure.
Very possibly, she's been at the top for a long time and after a while it takes it toll, eventually you piss everyone off.
Airbus are not threatening to pull out as usual the media scaremongering works against the scared thin skinned libs , if this happens this could happen, well definitely maybe eh
A nd what did he say, if you saw the same as me why would you think differently, narrative, if this happens then we could do this , as I said definitely maybe eh ffs
And here is a fundamental problem - most of us have our minds made up and no facts - real or imagined are going to change our minds I have no problem to forget this thread but I do have a problem to drop the subject Whatever your viewpoint I wish our government would get its act together and put a coherent policy in place and follow it. At the moment they seem to be trying to appease the hard and soft brexit supporters and you cant do both - sooner rather than later they need to decide what they actually want to achieve (It must be realistic!) or we will get to 29March with no deal no transition deal and that would be a total disaster - Thought it does seem to be the aim of some hard brexiteers - crash out whatever the consequences then start again almost like a pol pot year zero