So no personal abuse in your reply there then nudger? You can add me into the leach category then. I rarely start threads. Mainly because I don't want to cover ground already trodden and I'm not self important enough to feel the need to be clamouring for attention day in day out. Plus if I have an idea for a thread someone has usually beaten me to it. Since the takeover you've had an almost daily campaign against GG. Thread after thread saying basically the same thing. We get that you don't rate him. Your choice. We don't need to be hectored about it every 24 hours. Prior to the takeover you bleated incessantly about not being kept informed about what was going on despite people, with ever increasing lack of patience, explaining the reasons to you. Every time you're challenged on your, sometimes bizarre views, you wheel out the bully card. It's pathetic frankly and, given some of the things you've said on here, hypocritical in the extreme. Sometimes you post good stuff. Why don't you stick to that?
There's actually a really good reason people don't debate you. Ever heard the phrase "You can't educate pork"?
The "dozens" doubting GG during the last hour of the transfer window should have had some faith like the rest of us, instead of having little hissy fits because we hadn't signed anyone. We knew business would be done, and we all know the last few hours of the window is always frantic, and so it turned out to be. A lot of paddying from grown ups over nothing really. Can't see how that helps your case. Weakens it if anything.