We're back to the " what about" stuff again though arent we. This week should have had every single person in the country supporting BLM. Clark Oduor on his tweet gave examples of what could be done But no, let's all jump on Joshuas part of the speech where he said support your community businesses and let's look to tackling gang culture.
It's easier to be happy when your "lot" doesn't involve discrimination based on the colour of your skin. The subtext of your post that "everyone has issues, racism isn't that bad, let's move on" is either incredibly naive or wilfully ignorant. As for what protest achieves, look at Rosa Parks, MLK etc.
And in this country to, discrimination is not acceptable in the way it was in the 50s. Doesn't mean we haven't got further to go though.
Not at all, " what about stuff" I said racism is racism regardless of colour and its vile, you went on to point out that there is a difference between a white and a black racist, I simply asked what you meant about this, you said they have been persecuted and we ( whites) havent, so again is racism just about one particular colour being racist to another colour
Ok i've just watched it. There's one sentence where he says don't shop in their shops. I don't know if he means shops owned by racists or just white people. If it's the latter it's a daft thing to say. The other 99% of the speech is advocating peaceful protest, criticising the rioters and calling for an end to black gang culture. There's absolutely no way that is a racist speech. Contrast what he said with some if the comments made by Barnsley folk highlighted elsewhere. THAT'S racism. That one debatable remark apart i think it was a damn good and responsible speech.
I agree it was a good speech written for him, shop owners ran by racists ? No mate he meant white and went to say invest in black business
No way he said anything racist? If that was Farage or Robinson would you be saying the same? I call BS.
That doesn't excuse racism Helen and whilever it's excused in any form it won't end. I want to live in a world where if something happens I don't even notice the colour of the person's skin not a world where a blind eye is turned to racism if it's the way you're happy with. A world where it's a breeding ground for hatred and where people are told to live in the past and hold a grudge forever, excusing it for appalling behaviour. That's not the correct world to live in.
Plenty of faux outrage on here, I've also seen so many victims today on social media. All white, and so attached to their flags and statues. It's funny most of em don't know the name of our national flag when it's flying on a building or monument. Embarrassing! A black man gets angry and makes statements when clearly emotional. One line isn't in keeping with the British psyche of 1960 and all of a sudden everyone's oppressed and a victim of racism. Get a ******* life you set of soft lads. White fright in 2020 unreal.
I would love to live in that world too but in order to get there we need to acknowledge and listen to how black people are feeling. If we do listen and change then the colour of a persons skin will have ceased to matter.
That's the key thing for me. We need to stop the oppression which has stopped black people from getting the same opportunities. Give those in the poorer areas something to look towards, a future and opportunities so they can see they can make something of their lives instead of falling into a circle of crime. That's the reason I take issue with it being black LIVES matter because that is a given. Of course they matter. Every life matters. I wish that instead of making an assumption that this was a racist killing and protesting about that that we could have protests and campaigns asking for help and support in improving things. We've got two very different issues. Police brutality which regardless of what anyone wants to think DOES happen to all races. And also we've got historical oppression, lack of opportunities and general racism that causes issues to all black people. They're two different things which BOTH need addressing and I firmly believe that pretending it's the same issue will only mean that the problem isn't sorted. You can't sort the second problem if you're only looking at the first. The way I see it is it's a chain. The chain starts with oppression, lack of opportunities, crime and finally confrontation with police. And by focusing all efforts on the last part of the chain you will never eradicate the problems that lead to that point. George Floyd's death isn't the racist problem here, George floyd being treated like crap and falling into a life of crime is the problem. Black lives matter but black livelihoods matter more. You can't tackle coronavirus simply by making more ventilatiors. You have to do something to stop it getting to that point. So yes, protest, riot if needs be, kick off big time, but do so to try to stop racism in the first place. Do so to stop police brutality. But don't do so thinking that the two things are the same because they aren't.
If you actually listen to his initial speech without frothing at the mouth, it's obvious the "their" he refers to is racists. Not white people. Christ almighty.
Maybe if you have nothing of value to add other than terms you barely understand it might be best not to contribute at all.
I’m enjoying the new easy way to spot racists. Anyone who says all lives matter or equivalent might as well join the KKK