Your point is well made & historically accurate. I'd counter it by saying that developing countries, like china have to produce output that is saleable overseas to earn foreign currency. By western countries taking on board climate targets, Chinese products could become unsaleable & moving to more modern eco-friendly approach could be more beneficial to their economy. Moving back to the 19th century isn't a great long term business plan. The power of the richest economies is great & they are the ones that need to be influenced. Admittedly, whilst the Orange One is in charge of the USA, that is more difficult. His trade war isn't about climate change in the slightest, but might stop China in technology, which in it's own way shows that they can be influenced.
So the long and the short of it can't be arsed to do anything and are happy to belittle those who do. Well done. I'm sure your grandchildren will thank you for it.
Whys that because you dont agree? If you see differently then thats great, iv said what i see in that video and thats that. Lets not get all dramatic now.
The population of the world today is predicted to be doubled by 2067. That’s twice as many consumers as there are on the planet today. That’s your kids generation.... if we are all consuming the resources at the rate we are today, the world is knackered... we need to look at this on a global scale. I don’t agree with using Greta as the face of this, but she is getting into the news. And more importantly getting people discussing this.
Not dramatic. Just maxed you can call someone mentally disturbed when they clearly aren't. That's dramatic. In fact it's downright hysterical. I'll leave the ignorant and I'll informed out of it.
People can interpret it which ever way they like .... If you think thats the actions of a happy, stress free kid then id be concerned. Its so blatantly obvious shes been used as a political pawn, the parents have alot to answer for in my opinion for letting their child be used in such a manner.
******* hilarious how people are convinced of some kind of conspiracy and manipulation for the anti-climate change regime when in reality there's loads more money and interest in arguing that climate change is ********
She isn't but what's she gunna achieve? Nothing really...a couple of days chat. Have you seen Grimsby (the film). These people are seldom taken seriously. Activism isn't sexy.
We're already aware though. I think that's a bigger issue. That's the scariest thing about climate change.
You have to understand that MF does not 'do' opinions. He believes everyone who takes the opposite view to him on all matters is wrong, an idiot, or both. At least that is my experience of him when we have posted on the same thread (in my opinion)